
Letter from Robert Burns to Jean Burns, 14 October 1788

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14 October 1788
On display
Burns, Robert (Author)
Burns, Jean Armour

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Letter from Robert Burns to Jean Burns, 14 October 1788, includes provenace document.

Shortly after their marriage in 1788, Robert wrote this letter to Jean while preparing a home for them at Ellisland Farm near Dumfries. Burns writes to his wife to tell her he has found temporary lodgings near to Ellisland for the winter and to make ready to move as fast as possible.

Robert was due to have completed the building of a new farmhouse at Ellisland in summer 1788 but by autumn this was far behind schedule. This forced him to make other arrangements so that the family could be together at the farm during the winter months.

Robert wrote that he is looking forward to Jean’s arrival, ‘as it will save us from these cruel separations’. The distance between Mauchline and Ellisland is 46 miles, at least a day’s journey during the eighteenth century.

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  1. Letters from and to Robert Burns ( )

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