
Letter from Robert Burns to Robert Ainslie, 29 July 1787

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Alt. number
29 July 1787
On display
Burns, Robert (Author)
Ainslie, Robert

Explore correspondence between the creator and recipient


Letter from Robert Burns to Robert Ainslie, dated Mauchline, 29 July 1787.

In this letter to his close friend Robert Ainslie, Burns discusses the pleasures and anxieties of fatherhood as he congratulates Ainslie on the birth of his child. He also says his publisher Creech requires him to be in Edinburgh in the next few days and he looks forward to meeting Ainslie there.

Robert Ainslie was a law student in Edinburgh when he met Robert there in 1787. Recognising a fellow man about town, the two Roberts became fast friends. Burns said of Ainslie, 'I have not found a friend upon earth, besides yourself, to whom I can talk nonesense without forfeiting some degree of his esteem.'

Archive information

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  1. Letters from and to Robert Burns ( )

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