
Letter from Robert Burns to Robert Ainslie

Key details

Archive number
Alt. number
June 1788
On display
Burns, Robert (Author)
Ainslie, Robert

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In this Letter Robert Burns asked Richard Anslie for assistance. In Edinburgh as he has just received a letter from May Cameron, a servant girl in Edinburgh whom Robert met during his recent visit. She announces that she is carrying Robert's child and is in need of assistance as she is destitute.

Burns asks Ainslie to call at the place she is staying to give her 'ten or twelve shillings' and suggest she move to the country to wait out the pregnancy. Burns tells Ainslie to ask for the unsigned letter he has just written to her for confirmation of her identity.

He adds, 'You may perhaps not like the business, but I just tax your friendship thus far.'

Archive information

Place of creation


  1. Letters from and to Robert Burns ( )
  2. Letter from Robert Burns to Robert Ainslie

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