
Letter from Robert Burns to David Blair, 27 August 1789

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27 August 1789
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Burns, Robert (Author)
Blair, David

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Letter from Robert Burns to David Blair, dated Ellisland, 27 August 1789. 2 leaves.

In this three page letter from Robert Burns to David Blair, Burns thanks him for sending a magazine and apologises for his delay in response due to the burden of his farm, excise duties and the birth of a son.

Burns has been exchanging correspondence and verses with David Blair for a while and this letter opens with Burns apologising in elaborate terms for a slow response to Blair's 'last obliging packet' which is not, he assures Blair, due to 'Indolence' but rather the consequence of him adopting an Excise Commission which he has been contemplating for a while and now considers affordable.

Burns explains on page two that preparing for his excise job is time-consuming and 'not a little intricate and perplexed'. He also mentions the recent birth of 'a fine chopping boy', Frances Wallace, and the work required on the Farm as reasons for the delay in his reply. Blair has sent a magazine in which a copy of one of Burns's poems has been printed without Burns's authorisation. He plans to send Blair an improved version of the poem with his next letter.

In this final page Burns explains that he would have included a copy of the revised poem in this letter but for 'that cursed tax of Postage'. He intends to include it with another in his next 'epistle' to Blair.

David Blair was a well reputed gun maker in Birmingham but his association with Burns does not appear to relate to firearms, rather they seem to share a love of poetry for this seems to be the subject of all their known correspondence.

Archive information


  1. Letters from and to Robert Burns ( )
  2. Letter from Robert Burns to David Blair, 27 August 1789

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