
Letter from Robert Burns to Robert Graham, 10 June 1790

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10 June 1790
On display
Burns, Robert (Author)
Graham, Robert

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Letter from Robert Burns to Robert Graham, dated Ellisland, 10 June 1790 a. Beginning of poem ' Fintry, my stay in worldly strife' b. Continues with ' The muffled murtherer of Charles'

Burns met Robert Graham at Athole House, Blair Atholl in 1787. They became friends and later, once Graham had become a Commissioner of the Scottish Board of Excise, Burns sought Graham's good offices to get himself a position with the Excise in Dumfries.

This letter and epistle is the second written to Graham by Burns. Burns focuses his writing on the recent burgh elections in and around Dumfries.

Archive information

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  1. Letters from and to Robert Burns ( )
  2. Letter from Robert Burns to Robert Graham, 10 June 1790

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