
The Whistle - a Ballad

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Burns, Robert (Author)


The Whistle - a Ballad. 18 four-line verses. Begins: "I sing of a Whistle, a Whistle of worth,". The text of the poem is followed by a prose history of the whistle in the Poet's hand.

This poem recalls the story of a whistle which was the prize to be won by the greatest drinking man in Northern Europe. When the whistle was brought to Scotland, the challenge was won by Robert Lowrie. The contest was renewed in Burns's presence at his neighbour's house and this inspired him to recite the tale in verse. The text of the poem is followed by a prose history of the whistle.

In the first page Burns tells of the whistle's history in Scandinavia and of its coming to Scotland where it was won by Robert Lowrie. Later the whistle had fallen to a forebear of Robert Riddell of Glenriddell who then issued a new challenge to Sir Robert Lowrie and Alexander Fergusson of Craigdarroch.

On the second page of Burns's poem we hear how the holder of the whistle and the two other contestants declare for the drinking challenge. Our bard is selected to record the event which is commenced after the friends have completed their dinner.

The third page continues to describe the drinking binge which, according to Burns, lasted all night. He recounts how Riddell, as an Elder, gives up, leaving the field to those less divine. Sir Robert also withdraws as the sun came up, leaving Alexander Fergusson of Craigdarroch to carry off the whistle.

In the prose note following the poem, Burns describes how a Danish Nobleman, who claimed to be a champion drinker with certified conquests around the capitals of Northern Europe, had come across to Scotland in the train of Queen Anne of Denmark and James the Sixth. The trophy competed for at these drinking contests was a small ebony whistle.

Archive information


  1. Robert Burns, collection of poems and songs ( )
  2. The Whistle - a Ballad

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