
Receipt for an excise fine, signed by Burns,12 January 1791

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Archive number
Alt. number
12 January 1791
On display
Burns, Robert (Author)


Receipt for fine signed by Robert Burns, 12 January 1791.

Robert Burns became an Excise Officer in 1789 in the Dumfries District and progressed rapidly from the Nithsdale out-ride division to the third foot-walk division in Dumfries within a year. He later became an Acting Supervisor in 1794.

This is a single sheet receipt document dated 12 January 1791, signed by Robert Burns to record the payment of a £2/10s fine levied on Mr George Gracie of Carronbridge by the decree of the Dumfries magistrates on 3 September 1790.

An excise officer was entitled to a half of the value of the fines or the value of seizures which resulted from his inspections of the licensed premises and factories on his beat. He would thus be expected to be diligent in collecting the fines.

Archive information

Place of creation


  1. Robert Burns, collection of poems and songs ( )
  2. Receipt for an excise fine, signed by Burns,12 January 1791

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