
Epistle to the Rev Thomas Blacklock

Key details

Archive number
Alt. number
21 October 1789
On display
Burns, Robert (Author)


Epistle to the Rev Thomas Blacklock. Part of folio.

This poem takes the form of a verse epistle, a letter in rhyme, wishing Dr Blacklock well. Burns explains the failed delivery of his previous letter to Dr Blacklock and gives him news of his move to Ellisland farm and the increased responsibilities to his family.

In this first page Burns cheerfully greets his friend and chastises Robert Heron for not delivering his previous letter to Dr Blacklock as promised. He tells how he is now an exciseman and hope that his necessary attention to earning a living will not deprive him of attention to his muse.

In this last page Burns reflects on his necessity to look after wife and children, even to the extent of making sweeping brooms if needed.

Dr Blacklock promoted acceptance Burns's work in Edinburgh and discouraged him from immigrating to Jamaica. Becoming firm friends, they exchanged poems and songs while he lived. although Burns at one point later on describes his songs as 'very silly'.

Archive information


  1. Robert Burns, collection of poems and songs ( )
  2. Epistle to the Rev Thomas Blacklock

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