
'Willie's Awa' or 'Lament For The Absence Of William Creech, Publisher'

Key details

Archive number
Alt. number
13 May 1787
On display
Burns, Robert (Author)
Creech, William

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'Willie's Awa' or 'Lament For The Absence Of William Creech, Publisher'

This poem accompanied the letter Robert sent to his publisher William Creech on 13 May 1787 (see object 3.6042). The poem is a mock lament of Creech's absence from Edinburgh while in London arranging for an English edition of Burns's poems to be published.

Unfortunately Burns would continue to see very little of Creech, as the notoriously tight-fisted publisher failed to pay Burns for both the copyright to his works and the profit from his editions until the next year.

Archive information


  1. Robert Burns, collection of poems and songs ( )
  2. 'Willie's Awa' or 'Lament For The Absence Of William Creech, Publisher'

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