
Nancy - A Song

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Burns, Robert (Author)


Nancy - A Song. Begins "Thine am I, my Chloris fair". There is an alternative first line in this ms; "Thine am I, my faithful fair". Originally sent to Maria Riddel.

Several versions of this song exist, with the subject varying between Nancy (Agnes McLehose), Chloris (Jean Lorimer), and the generic Faithful Fair. The original manuscript was sent to Burns's protégée Maria Riddell in 1793, using Nancy as the object of affection. He later sent it to George Thomson for inclusion in his Select Scottish Songs. In 1794, however, Burns wrote to Thomson asking him to change the original Nancy to Chloris in the publication.

The love song describes the pain and pleasure of being in love with his object of affection.

Archive information


  1. Robert Burns, collection of poems and songs ( )
  2. Nancy - A Song

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