
The Rosebud

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Burns, Robert (Author)
Cruikshank, Jean

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The Rosebud. Begins: "A Rosebud by my early walk". 6 four-line verses, with a dedication inscription to Miss Cruikshank.

This page shows the last verse of the poem in which Burns compares young Jean to a linnet. She also produces music "on trembling string" (her harpsichord) and "vocal air" (her sweet voice) She will, herself, soon burst forth in beauty and, later, bless her parents later years.

On this first page of three verses, Burns describes a slightly chilly, dew bedecked morning, the corn scents the air, with the linnet in her nest ready to hear her brood "awake the early morning".

This poem was composed on Miss Jean Cruikshank the 12 year old daughter of William Cruikshank with whose family Burns lodged in Edinburgh from autumn 1787 to Feb 1788. Their daughter caught Burns affection and he wrote two poems on her. She was a good musician able to sing Burns airs and accompany herself. Even at that tender age she assisted Burns by adjusting words and music by repeated trials of the effect.

Archive information


  1. Robert Burns, collection of poems and songs ( )
  2. The Rosebud

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