The Rosebud -- To its own tune ----
Composed by Mr Burns on Miss Cruickshank, Edin.r --
The Music by Mr Sillar, a gentleman in Irvine, Ayrshire --
A Rose-bud by my early walk,
Adown a corn-enclosed bawk,
Sae gently bent its thorny stalk,
All on a dewy morning. --
Ere twice the shades of dawn are fled,
In a' its crimson glory spread;
And drooping, rich, the dewy head,
It scents the early morning. --
Within the bush her covert nest
A little linnet fondly prest,
The chilly dew sat on her breast
Sae early in the morning. --
She soon shall see her tender brood,
The pride the pleasure of the wood,
Amang the fresh green leaves bedew'd,
Awauk the early morning. --
Composed by Mr Burns on Miss Cruickshank, Edin.r --
The Music by Mr Sillar, a gentleman in Irvine, Ayrshire --
A Rose-bud by my early walk,
Adown a corn-enclosed bawk,
Sae gently bent its thorny stalk,
All on a dewy morning. --
Ere twice the shades of dawn are fled,
In a' its crimson glory spread;
And drooping, rich, the dewy head,
It scents the early morning. --
Within the bush her covert nest
A little linnet fondly prest,
The chilly dew sat on her breast
Sae early in the morning. --
She soon shall see her tender brood,
The pride the pleasure of the wood,
Amang the fresh green leaves bedew'd,
Awauk the early morning. --
So thou, dear bird, young Jeany fair,
On trembling string or vocal air,
Shalt sweetly pay the tender care
That tents thy early morning. --
So thou, sweet Rose-bud young and gay,
Shalt beauteous blaze upon the day;
And bless the Parent's evening ray
That watch'd thy early morning.-
To Mrs Cruickshank, his kind Hostess, with
his best Compliments ----
Robt. Burns
January 16th. 1788 ----
On trembling string or vocal air,
Shalt sweetly pay the tender care
That tents thy early morning. --
So thou, sweet Rose-bud young and gay,
Shalt beauteous blaze upon the day;
And bless the Parent's evening ray
That watch'd thy early morning.-
To Mrs Cruickshank, his kind Hostess, with
his best Compliments ----
Robt. Burns
January 16th. 1788 ----

Key details
- Archive number
- NTS/02/25/BRN/02/84
- Alt. number
- 3.6242
- Date
- 1788
- On display
- Yes
- Creator
- Burns, Robert (Author)
- Recipient
- Cruikshank, Jean
Archive information
Robert Burns, collection of poems and songs
a sub-fonds is a subdivision in the archival material)
- The Rosebud
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