
To Miss C+++++++++, a very young Lady

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Burns, Robert (Author)
Cruikshank, Jean

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To Miss C+++++++++, a very young Lady.

The Title continues "the Author". Begins: "Beautious rose-bud, young and gay". 22 lines.

This Poem is subtitled by Burns "a very young lady - written on the blank leaf of a book, presented to her by the Author". She is Miss Cruikshank the twelve year old daughter of his landlord who helped him with his musical compositions, and who he addressed as "the sweet little rose-bud" (poem no 271)

In the first page Burns compares her to a "Rosebud" hoping that she will never suffer any discomfort or harm. Wishing for her a long life and beauty through the simile of a perfect flower.

William Cruikshank was a classics master at the High School who offered Burns lodgings when he first came to Edinburgh. His daughter Jean was an accomplished musician and singer who assisted Burns as he was developing his songs and compositions. He asked after her whenever he wrote to Cruikshank and wrote this poem to her.

On this page Burns copies out the last verse of the Poem where he envisages the "Rose" having a long and fulfilling life ending peacefully as she returns to enrich the earth from whence she came.

Archive information


  1. Robert Burns, collection of poems and songs ( )
  2. To Miss C+++++++++, a very young Lady

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