
Handsome Nell, also known as 'Once I loved a bonie Lass'

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Burns, Robert (Author)


Handsome Nell, also known as 'Once I loved a bonie Lass' part of the Stair manuscript collection, to the tune "I am a man unmarried", originally composed 1774, this one written 1786.

Robert wrote this, his first song, at the age of 15. Inspired by Nelly Kilpatrick, the lass chosen as his work partner during the harvest, he immortalised his unspoken love for her in 'O Once I lov’d a bonie lass'. The song is also commonly known as 'Handsome Nell'.

This particular manuscript of the song was written 12 years after Robert first composed it. It is part of the Stair manuscript collection, a group of eight early songs and poems Burns copied and sent to Mrs Alexander Stewart of Stair in 1786.

Archive information


  1. Robert Burns, collection of poems and songs ( )

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