
Letter from Gilbert Burns to Jean Burns, 16 September 1814

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16 September 1814
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Burns, Gilbert (Author)
Burns, Jean Armour

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Letter from Gilbert Burns to Jean Burns, dated Grant's Braes, 16 September 1814.

Letter concerns family matters and expressing concern at not knowing if her recent journey to Dumfries had not ended by being "overturned on Errick-stane-Brae". Also noted that his Mother had recently recovered from a Stomach & Bowel upset. Includes a page written by Janet Burns to her Aunt [Mrs Burns]. Addressed to Mrs Burns, Dumfries.

Two page letter from Gilbert Burns to his sister-in-law Jean, who he addresses as Dear Sister in which he chides her for delayed news of her safe return home and lets her know of the latest news from his family and the state of health of her Mother-in-law.

Gilbert opens this September dated letter by expressing his concern at the tardy news from Jean that she had arrived back home in Dumfries from her summer visit to Edinburgh, Having worried that she might have been involved in a road accident at the Etteric-stane Brae black spot.

He conveys news of her son James out in India from a mutual acquaintance and anticipating that she may have also heard from the same source, asks to be advised of any additional news from India.

The second page is taken up with news of an illness of Gilbert's Mother now recovered and how busy things are with all his family at home "having stir and bustle enough". He imparts news of the death of Sally Burness (an Aunt?), and then he includes news of his sister's son William Begg and their family situation.

Gilbert makes reference to his intention to contact Robert by letter having not heard from him since Mrs Burns left, and one presumes this to be the Poet's elder son.

Archive information


  1. Letters, documents and ephemera regarding the family of Robert Burns ( )
  2. Letters and Documents relating to Gilbert Burns ( )
  3. Letter from Gilbert Burns to Jean Burns, 16 September 1814

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