
Letter from Gilbert Burns to Jean Burns, 12 February 1819

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Archive number
Alt. number
12 February 1819
On display
Burns, Gilbert (Author)
Burns, Jean Armour

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Letter from Gilbert Burns to Jean Burns, dated Grant's Braes, 12 February 1819.

Letter concerns family matters and a concern that his nephew James "should not be sufficiently acquainted with the fugitive nature of money, for though I should regret above all things that money should be the idol of his worship, yet I know his kind and generous disposition would subject him to extreme suffering were he inadvertently to indulge in expence (the besetting sin of the present age), which might prevent him paying his accounts, or remitting his Mother's annuity punctually."

Archive information


  1. Letters, documents and ephemera regarding the family of Robert Burns ( )
  2. Letters and Documents relating to Gilbert Burns ( )
  3. Letter from Gilbert Burns to Jean Burns, 12 February 1819

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