
Letter from Gilbert Burns, 8 April 1820

Key details

Archive number
Alt. number
8 April 1820
On display
Burns, Gilbert (Author)


Letter from Gilbert Burns dated Grant's Braes, 8 April 1820.

Letter documents family matters and expressing a "sad alarm" about the "disordered state of Glasgow and Paisley and of the manufacturing districts in England, where much mischief seems brewing, where several human lives have already been lost by riot and rebellion, and a great deal more blood is likely to be shed.". Also advising of a copy of "the edition of Burns's works which I was connected with is now published and I have a copy waiting your coming here or shall send it by any conveyance you may mention." Addressed Mrs Burns, Dumfries. postmarked Haddington , stamped APR 9 1820.

Archive information


  1. Letters, documents and ephemera regarding the family of Robert Burns ( )
  2. Letters and Documents relating to Gilbert Burns ( )
  3. Letter from Gilbert Burns, 8 April 1820

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