
Letter from Mrs Dunlop to Mrs Gilbert Burns, undated

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Dunlop, Mrs (Author)


Letter from Mrs Dunlop to Mrs Gilbert Burns, undated. Acknowledging her letter in which the writer was informed of the poet's death. "the melancholy account you sent me of your worthy Brother's [Brother-in-law's] death."

This letter was written by Frances Anna Dunlop to Gilbert Burns's wife Jean. Jean had recently written to Mrs Dunlop to inform her of Robert's death. Mrs Dunlop thanks her for her consideration and offers her condolences to the family.

Following the death of her elderly husband in 1785, Mrs Francis Anna Wallace Dunlop (1730 - 1815) was suffering from depression when a friend gave her a copy of Burns's poems. She was so impressed that she was inspired to write to the poet and offer her services as a sounding board for his work. The friendship between the two continued until the poet's death, despite the fact she was 29 years his senior.

Archive information



  1. Correspondence and other documents relating to Robert Burns ( )
  2. Letter from Mrs Dunlop to Mrs Gilbert Burns, undated

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