
Burns Relationship Explorer

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  • Letter 13 February 1779

    Letter from James Candlish to Robert Burns, 13 February 1779

    This is the earliest Poem addressed to the Poet known to exist. McCandlish had been one of Burns' school companions, and in 1779 was a student at the Glasgow College (Glasgow University) . He married Jean Sister, one of the "Mauchline Belles," and was father of Principal R.S.McCandlish. About 1788, Candlish settled in Edinburgh as a lecturer in Medicine. In a letter to Peter Hill, dated March 1791 from Ellisland, RB refers to Candlish as "the earliest friend except my only brother that I…

  • Burns event 31 December 1779

    Robert Burns and six friends form the Talbolton Bachelors’ Club, a debating society and private gentlemen’s club that met once a month.

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  • World event 1 June 1780

    Seven days of anti-Catholic Gordon Riots take place in London, including attacks on Newgate Prison and the Bank of England.

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  • Burns event 31 December 1780

    Robert Burns goes to Irvine to learn flax-making.

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  • Burns event 31 December 1780

    Robert Burns is inducted as a Freemason into Lodge St David, no 174, Tarbolton.

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  • World event 31 December 1780

    Confessions by Jean-Jacques Rousseau is published after his death.

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  • World event 31 December 1780

    Immanuel Kant publishes Critique of Pure Reason.

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  • World event 18 October 1781

    Americans, supported by the French fleet, defeat the British at the Battle of Yorktown.

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  • Burns event 31 December 1781

    Robert Burns returns to Lochlea when his fledgling career in the flax trade is cut short by a fire in the flax shop, started accidentally by his business partner’s wife.

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  • World event 31 December 1781

    The Irish Constitution of 1782 restores legislative independence to the Parliament of Ireland for a 16-year period.

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  • Burns event 31 December 1782

    Robert Burns begins his first Commonplace book.

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  • Burns event 31 December 1782

    Robert and Gilbert Burns secretly lease Mossgiel, a 118-acre farm near Mauchline, to help the family’s economic circumstances.

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  • World event 2 September 1783

    End of the American War of Independence, with the signing of the Treaty of Paris.

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  • World event 30 November 1783

    The British government collapses, after the Fox–North coalition falls.

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  • Burns event 31 December 1783

    The Burns family move to Mossgiel Farm after the death of William Burns.

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  • Burns event 31 December 1783

    Robert Burns meets Jean Armour, his future wife, at a Mauchline dance.

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  • World event 18 January 1784

    The first voyages by hot air balloon take place.

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  • Burns event 12 February 1784

    William Burns, Robert Burns’s father, dies.

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  • World event 14 April 1784

    William Pitt the Younger officially becomes British Prime Minister after winning a general election. He is Britain’s youngest-ever serving prime minister, aged 24.

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  • World event 31 December 1784

    The London Hospital Medical College opens as England’s first chartered medical school.

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  • Burns event 21 May 1785

    Elizabeth Burns, Robert Burns’s first daughter, is born to Elizabeth ‘Betsey’ Paton. Betsey met Robert when she was employed as a servant girl at Lochlea Farm.

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  • World event 31 December 1785

    New Lanark is established in Lanarkshire by entrepreneur David Dale.

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  • Burns event 28 February 1786

    Jean Armour is sent to Paisley by her family after the affair between her and Robert Burns is discovered.

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  • Burns event 31 March 1786

    Robert Burns begins an affair with Margaret ‘Mary’ Campbell (also known as Highland Mary).

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  • Burns event 30 April 1786

    Robert Burns writes to David Bryce, describing his plans to move to Jamaica and that he believes he has been abandoned by Jean Armour.

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  • Burns event 30 April 1786

    Robert Burns writes to John Richmond about his planned emigration to Jamaica. Burns had been offered the job of bookkeeper on the Springbank plantation in Port Antonio through his friend Dr Patrick Douglas.

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  • World event 30 April 1786

    Mozart’s opera The Marriage of Figaro premieres in Vienna.

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  • Burns event 13 May 1786

    The last meeting takes place between Mary Campbell and Robert Burns, where they exchange marriage vows and bibles. She is reportedly pregnant.

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  • Burns event 24 June 1786

    Robert Burns is recalled to Mauchline Kirk (Church) to admit his affair with Jean Burns, who is also pregnant with twins. James Armour (Jean’s father) offers a warrant for Burns’s arrest. Burns goes into hiding.

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  • Burns event 30 July 1786

    Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect is published through subscription in Kilmarnock. 612 copies are printed, costing 3 shillings each.

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  • World event 31 July 1786

    Astronomer Caroline Herschel becomes the first woman to be credited with discovering a comet.

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  • Burns event 31 August 1786

    Robert Burns informs John Richmond that he has missed the sailing of the Nancy, the first of three ships he booked on to sail to Jamaica.

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  • Burns event 2 September 1786

    Jean Armour gives birth to twins, Robert and Jean Burns.

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  • Burns event 19 October 1786

    Mary Campbell dies in Greenock, likely from typhus. She is 23 years old.

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  • Burns event 26 November 1786

    Burns travels to Edinburgh and spends the winter there, meeting many patrons, artists and writers.

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  • Burns event 8 December 1786

    Henry Mackenzie reviews Poems, Chiefly in a Scottish Dialect for the Lounger magazine, casting Robert Burns as ‘this heaven-taught ploughman’.

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  • Burns event 13 December 1786

    William Creech publishes a subscription proposal for printing a second edition of Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, in Edinburgh.

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  • Burns event 31 December 1786

    Alexander Nasmyth paints a portrait of Robert Burns for the Edinburgh edition of Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect.

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  • World event 31 December 1786

    Mozart writes the opera Don Giovanni.

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  • Letter 21 March 1787

    Letter from Robert Burns to James Candlish, 21 March 1787

    James Candlish was a school mate of Burns who studied medicine at Glasgow University. He married Jean Smith, the sister of Robert Burns's friend James Smith and one of the 'Mauchline Belles'. About 1788, Candlish settled in Edinburgh as a lecturer in Medicine.