
Burns Relationship Explorer

Explore correspondence between senders and recipients of letters and documents in the Burns Collection.

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  • Letter 1787

    To Miss C+++++++++, a very young Lady

    The Title continues "the Author". Begins: "Beautious rose-bud, young and gay". 22 lines.

  • Burns event 31 December 1786

    Alexander Nasmyth paints a portrait of Robert Burns for the Edinburgh edition of Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect.

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  • World event 31 December 1786

    Mozart writes the opera Don Giovanni.

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  • Burns event 16 April 1787

    The Edinburgh edition of Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect is published. 3,000 copies are printed and Burns sells the copyright to William Creech for 100 guineas.

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  • World event 30 April 1787

    Formerly enslaved people, sent from London, establish Freetown in Sierra Leone.

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  • Burns event 4 May 1787

    Robert Burns tours the Scottish Borders, using the proceeds of the Edinburgh edition of Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect to fund his tour. He also begins to collect and contribute songs to James Johnson‘s Scots Musical Museum.

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  • Burns event 31 May 1787

    Robert Burns tours the West Highlands.

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  • Burns event 24 August 1787

    Robert Burns tours the Highlands.

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  • Burns event 3 December 1787

    Robert Burns meets Agnes Maclehose in Edinburgh.

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  • Burns event 7 December 1787

    Robert Burns and Agnes Maclehose begin exchanging love letters.

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  • Letter 1788

    The Rosebud

    This page shows the last verse of the poem in which Burns compares young Jean to a linnet. She also produces music "on trembling string" (her harpsichord) and "vocal air" (her sweet voice) She will, herself, soon burst forth in beauty and, later, bless her parents later years.