
Burns Relationship Explorer

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View everything received by Robert Graham in our collection

  • Letter January 1788

    Letter from Robert Burns to Robert Graham

    In this two page letter, Burns writes to Robert Graham to ask for his patronage in his application to become an exciseman. Graham, whom Burns had met the year before at Blair Atholl, had recently been appointed an Excise Commissioner and the support of a man of influence was needed to be successful.

  • World event 29 January 1788

    Charles Edward Stuart (Bonnie Prince Charlie) dies in Rome.

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  • Burns event 22 February 1788

    Burns returns to Tarbolton to see Jean Armour, who is pregnant.

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  • Burns event 2 March 1788

    Jean Armour gives birth to twin girls, who both die, unnamed, within a month.

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  • Burns event 24 May 1788

    Burns takes on the lease at Ellisland, the farm he and Jean will live in from 1789 to 1791.

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  • Burns event 13 July 1788

    Burns receives his Excise commission and begins his traineeship.

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  • Burns event 4 September 1788

    The formal marriage of Jean Armour and Robert Burns is registered in Mauchline, although they likely married in March 1788.

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  • Letter 10 September 1788

    Letter from Robert Burns to Robert Graham, 10 September 1788

    This is a three page letter in which Burns explains his financial and farming problems to Robert Graham of Fintry. He asks Graham to consider making room for him in a local Excise Division by ousting the incumbent officer, as Burns's financial need is greater. If this were to happen, Burns would solve his business problems and be able him to embark on more literary projects. Burns also encloses a poem 'To Robert Graham of Fintry Esqr, with a request for an Excise Division'.

  • Letter 23 September 1788

    Letter from Robert Burns to Robert Graham, 23 September, 1788

    In this letter to Robert Graham, Burns makes an effusive reply to Graham's favourable response to his letter of 10 September. He also reiterates his wish to obtain an Excise Division by the following summer and suggests a wider alternative to his earlier plan.

  • Burns event 31 October 1788

    Jenny Clow, the maid of Agnes Maclehose in Edinburgh, gives birth to a son, Robert Burns Jnr.

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  • Burns event 16 December 1788

    Burns sends the first version of ‘Auld Lang Syne’ to Mrs Dunlop. During his time at Ellisland Farm, Burns writes over 130 songs and poems, nearly a quarter of his total output.

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  • Burns event 31 December 1788

    Robert Burns formally takes up Excise work with a salary of £50 per annum.

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  • World event 31 December 1788

    William Blake writes Songs of Innoncence.

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  • World event 29 April 1789

    George Washington becomes the first President of the United States of America.

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  • Letter 13 May 1789

    Letter from Robert Burns to Robert Graham, 13 May 1789

    In this letter, Robert Burns advises Robert Graham on how he has progressed with the Dumfries Collector, to whom Graham had introduced him. It also includes a poem for Mrs Graham.

  • Burns event 31 May 1789

    Jean Armour and Robert Burns move into Ellisland Farm.

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  • World event 13 July 1789

    The fall of the Bastille in Paris marks the beginning of the French Revolution.

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  • Letter 31 July 1789

    Draft letter from Robert Burns to Robert Graham, 31July 1789

    Burns met Robert Graham at Athole House, Blair Atholl in 1787. They became friends and later, once Graham had become a Commissioner of the Scottish Board of Excise, Burns sought Graham's good offices to get himself a position with the Excise in Dumfries.

  • Burns event 17 August 1789

    Francis Wallace Burns is born to Jean Armour Burns.

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  • Letter 9 December 1789

    Letter from Robert Burns to Robert Graham, dated, 9 December 1789

    Burns met Robert Graham at Athole House, Blair Atholl in 1787. They became friends and later, once Graham had become a Commissioner of the Scottish Board of Excise, Burns sought Graham's good offices to get himself a position with the Excise in Dumfries.

  • Letter 1790

    Epistle to Robert Graham of Fintry on the election for the Dumfries string of Boroughs, 1790

    This poem takes the form of a verse epistle written to Burns's friend Sir Robert Graham of Fintry. It describes the characters and background of the then recently completed general election of 1790 for the Dumfries Boroughs seat. In this poem Burns shows his wide knowledge of the contestants and their supporters in this rousing commentary.

  • Burns event 31 December 1789

    Robert Burns writes Tam o’ Shanter.

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  • Letter 10 June 1790

    Letter from Robert Burns to Robert Graham, 10 June 1790

    Burns met Robert Graham at Athole House, Blair Atholl in 1787. They became friends and later, once Graham had become a Commissioner of the Scottish Board of Excise, Burns sought Graham's good offices to get himself a position with the Excise in Dumfries.

  • Letter 4 September 1790

    Letter from Robert Burns to Robert Graham, 4 September 1790

    In this letter, Burns outlines his rapid promotion in his Excise career to his patron Robert Graham and gives him some thoughts as to his future aspirations. He sees this career as being more beneficial to farming and announces his intention to give up the farm at Ellisland.

  • World event 28 February 1791

    Thomas Paine’s Rights of Man is published in London.

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  • Burns event 30 March 1791

    Anne Park gives birth to Elizabeth ‘Betty’ Burns. Betty is raised by Jean Armour with the rest of Burns’s children after Anne’s death in 1793.

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  • Burns event 8 April 1791

    Jean Armour gives birth to William Nicol Burns at Ellisland.

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  • World event 8 September 1791

    Washington DC is founded as America’s capital city.

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  • World event 24 September 1791

    The first Ten Amendments to the American Constitution are created.

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  • Letter 5 October 1791

    Postscript to some poetical pieces sent to Robert Graham

    This postscript was written probably from Ellisland to accompany the verse letter written to Robert Graham on 5 October 1791.

  • Letter 5 October 1791

    Letter from Robert Burns to Robert Graham, 5 October 1791

    Burns wrote this letter in verse to Robert Graham on 5 October 1791. The text is principally the poem. 86 lines.

  • Burns event 10 November 1791

    Robert Burns and his family leave Ellisland Farm and take up residence in Dumfries.

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  • World event 4 December 1791

    Mozart dies, aged 35, in Vienna.

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  • Burns event 5 December 1791

    The last meeting takes place between Agnes Maclehose and Robert Burns in Edinburgh. She departs for Jamaica to be briefly reconciled with her husband in January 1792.

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  • Burns event 31 December 1791

    Burns is asked to contribute to George Thomson’s A Select Collection of Original Scotish Airs for the Voice.

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  • Burns event 31 December 1791

    Jean Armour gives birth to Elizabeth Riddell Burns.

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  • World event 31 December 1791

    Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Woman is published.

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  • World event 20 September 1792

    The French Republic is established.

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  • Letter 31 December 1792

    Letter from Robert Burns to Robert Graham, 31 December, 1792

    In this panicked letter to Robert Graham, Burns reveals that he has been suspected of being disloyal to the government for whom he works and is to be investigated by Mr. John Mitchell, his Excise Supervisor. He appeals to Graham's humanity and pleads for his assistance in refuting the charges.

  • Burns event 31 December 1792

    The second Edinburgh edition of Poems, Chiefly in a Scottish Dialect is published and the first volume of Thomson’s Select Collection.

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  • Letter 5 January 1793

    Letter from Robert Burns to Robert Graham, 5 January 1793

    Seven page letter which Burns writes to Graham in defence of the disloyalty charges which had been brought against him. He gives a detailed response to refute each charge and feels he has accounted well enough for himself to ask Graham to support his next scheme for advancement.

  • World event 20 January 1793

    King Louis XVI of France is executed by guillotine.

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  • World event 31 January 1793

    France declares war against Britain.

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  • Letter January 1794 to February 1794

    Letter of Robert Burns to Robert Graham, Jan 7th 1794

    This is a two page letter to Robert Graham in which Burns, reflecting on the likely promotion of two senior Excise colleagues, puts forward the case for his own promotion as a replacement.

  • Burns event 31 December 1793

    Robert Burns is appointed Acting Supervisor of the Excise.

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  • Letter 7 January 1794

    Letter from Robert Burns to Robert Graham, 7 January 1794

    This four page letter finds Burns makes some suggestions to Robert Graham for the restructuring and streamlining of the Dumfries Divisions in the interests of economy. He also asks for his name not to be revealed if anything were to come of it.