
Burns Relationship Explorer

Explore correspondence between senders and recipients of letters and documents in the Burns Collection.

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View everything received by William Niven in our collection

  • Letter 29 July 1780

    Letter from Robert Burns to William Niven, 29 July 1780

    William Niven had been at Hugh Roger's school in Kirkoswald when Burns was there in 1775, and who was afterwards a merchant in Maybole. This set of letters is dated from Lochlee (Lochlea) between July, 1780, and June, 1781, and are the earliest letters of Robert Burns in the National Trust for Scotland Collection.

  • Letter 3 November 1780

    Letter from Robert Burns to William Niven, 3 November 1780

    William Niven had been at Hugh Roger's school in Kirkoswald when Burns was there in 1775, and who was afterwards a merchant in Maybole. This series of three letters are dated from Lochlee (Lochlea) between July, 1780, and June, 1781, and are the earliest letters of the poet known

  • Burns event 31 December 1780

    Robert Burns goes to Irvine to learn flax-making.

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  • Burns event 31 December 1780

    Robert Burns is inducted as a Freemason into Lodge St David, no 174, Tarbolton.

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  • World event 31 December 1780

    Confessions by Jean-Jacques Rousseau is published after his death.

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  • World event 31 December 1780

    Immanuel Kant publishes Critique of Pure Reason.

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  • Letter 12 June 1781

    Letter from Robert Burns to William Niven, 12 June 1781

    This is a two page letter in which Robert Burns wrote to his school friend William Niven now a merchant in Maybole. He deals with the lack of progress in his love life and mentions seeing William's cousin in the local kirk.