
Burns Monument Trust: papers, letters and other documentary material

Key details

Archive number
1814 to 1996
On display
Burns Monument Trust


In 1814 a group of individuals formed the Burns Monument Trust [BMT] in Alloway to help raise funds for the building of an appropriate memorial to Burns. After raising sufficient funds the foundation stone to the Monument was laid in 1820 and the memorial was eventually opened to the public on 4th July 1823. Within this collection are the full records of the Trust, including highlights the below.

The papers also include a number of documents that specifically relate to the acquisition and provenance of items now sitting within the Robert Burns Birthplace Museum Collection.

Specific key items are:

• The first Minute Book of the Trustees of Burns Monument, dated Ayr, 24 March 1814

• Purchase of Burns Cottage, 1814; copy of report to trustees of Burns Monument on purchase of cottage, funds, expenses etc by W H Dunlop of Doonside;

• Burns Monument Accounts with list of subscribers including sketch of proposed site of monument by James Milligan, surveyor in Ayr showing buildings, River Doon, Alloway smithy, Burns Cottage, Doonside Mills, coloured with scale, 1818;

• Envelope containing 51 letters/documents relating to the building of the Monument 1818 – 1824

• Burns Monument Accounts Vouchers for payment for building the monument, including bill for block template and engraving to deposit in foundation stone, 1820 with coins and glass deposited there by James A Morris

• Envelope containing letter of Mr. Cathcart to Hamilton Boswell dated 25th Sept 1823 re the building of a cottage at the Monument and a photocopy of a letter to Lord Alloway regarding the purchase of land on which to build the Monument. Envelope containing letter of Mr. Cathcart to Hamilton Boswell dated 25th Sept 1823

• Bundle relating to Subscriptions for Burns Monument Including letter from Thomas Hamilton, architect in Edinburgh to John Goldie, Courier Office, Ayr on his plans for tripod at monument, 1823

• Inventory of Furniture and other articles in Burns' Monument; Minutes of meeting of The Trustees of Burns' Monument 1868; Circular calling meeting 1857; Resolution relating to Alloway Kirk (building of new church); Bank Statement 1868. Minutes of meetings of Burns Monument trustees 1857;

• Repairs to Burns Monument, 1905


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