Letter from Robert Burns to the Rev. Dr Hugh Blair, 4 May 1787
from Mr Burns Poet
the Rev.d D.r Blair
Rev.d & much respected Sir,
I leave Edin.r tomorrow
morning, but could not go without troubling you
with half a line, sincerely to thank you for that kind-
ness that patronage, that friendship you have
shown me.-
I often felt the embarrassment of my very singular
situation; drawn forth from the verist shades of
life to the glare of remark; ^ and honoured by the
notice of those illustrious Names of my country,
whose Works, while they are applauded to the end
of time, will ever instruct and mend the heart.
However the meteor-like novelty of my appear-
-ance in the world might attract notice, and
lights of genius and literature, those who are truly
Benefactors of the immortal nature of Man, I
knew very well that my utmost merit was far
unequal to ^the task of preserving that character,
when once that novelty was over; and have
made up ^my mind that abuse or almost even neglect
will not surprize me in my quarters. -
I have sent you a proof impression of Beugo's
work for me, done on Indian paper, as a trifling
but sincere testimony with what heart-warm
I have the honour to be,
Revered Sir,
your much indebted humble serv.t
Rob.t Burns
Lawn Market
Friday morn

Key details
- Archive number
- NTS/02/25/BRN/01/13
- Alt. number
- 3.6040
- Date
- 4 May 1787
- On display
- No
- Creator
- Burns, Robert (Author)
- Archive number
- NTS/02/25/BRN/01/13
- Alt. number
- 3.6040
- Date
- 4 May 1787
- On display
- No
- Creator
- Burns, Robert (Author)
In this letter, Robert writes to his supporter Rev Dr Hugh Blair. Burns is about to set forth on his journey from Edinburgh through the Borders and writes by way of farewell and offers his thanks to Dr Blair, who has befriended and supported him in his period in Edinburgh.
The letter addresses Blair in a formal and deferential way, with Burns then reflecting on his awareness that his place was not in Edinburgh, describing 'the Meteor-like novelty of my appearance' there. He also encloses a proof copy of the John Beugo engraving of himself on India paper by way of thanks.
Archive information
Place of creation
Letters from and to Robert Burns
a sub-fonds is a subdivision in the archival material)
- Letter from Robert Burns to the Rev. Dr Hugh Blair, 4 May 1787