
Letter from Robert Burns to the Rev. Dr Hugh Blair, 4 May 1787

Key details

Archive number
Alt. number
4 May 1787
On display
Burns, Robert (Author)


In this letter, Robert writes to his supporter Rev Dr Hugh Blair. Burns is about to set forth on his journey from Edinburgh through the Borders and writes by way of farewell and offers his thanks to Dr Blair, who has befriended and supported him in his period in Edinburgh.

The letter addresses Blair in a formal and deferential way, with Burns then reflecting on his awareness that his place was not in Edinburgh, describing 'the Meteor-like novelty of my appearance' there. He also encloses a proof copy of the John Beugo engraving of himself on India paper by way of thanks.

Archive information

Place of creation


  1. Letters from and to Robert Burns ( )
  2. Letter from Robert Burns to the Rev. Dr Hugh Blair, 4 May 1787