
Letter from Robert Burns to William Cruikshank, 3 March 1788

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3 March 1788
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Burns, Robert (Author)
Cruikshank, William

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Letter from Robert Burns to William Cruikshank, dated Mauchline, 3 March, 1788. [2 leaves].

Robert Burns wrote this three page letter from Mauchline after returning from Edinburgh in spring of 1788. He thanks William Cruickshank for allowing him to stay with him in Edinburgh over the previous winter, he relocates Jean Armour, now eight months pregnant, at the house of John Mackenzie the local doctor.

In the first page, Burns apologises for not writing sooner and of the hospitality of the friends he has stayed with en route to Mauchline. He hopes his parcel of Cocoa sent from Glasgow arrives safely and finds himself unable to come up with a suitable epithet to express his thanks for the fear that Criukshank may 'burn the letter'.

On this second page, Burns describes his pending visit to Miller's farm at Dalswinton in the company of an expert John Tennant, 'the most intelligent farmer in the Country'. He also comments that his knee injury from previous December is worse and is delaying his return to Edinburgh.

Burns finishes the letter by sending his compliments to Cruikshank's wife and daughter 'sweet little Rose-bud', a talented 12 year old musician whose accompaniment on the harpsichord had assisted him in his song writing.

Burns lodged in two rooms of William Cruickshank's attic in Edinburgh when he completed his highland tour in October 1787, staying until February 1788 when he returned to Mauchline.

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  1. Letters from and to Robert Burns ( )
  2. Letter from Robert Burns to William Cruikshank, 3 March 1788