
Letter from Robert Burns to Mrs Dunlop, 16 August 1788

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Alt. number
16 August 1788
On display
Burns, Robert (Author)


Letter from Robert Burns to Mrs Dunlop, dated Ellisland, 16 August 1788.

Following the death of her elderly husband in 1785, Mrs Francis Anna Wallace Dunlop (1730 - 1815) was suffering from depression when a friend gave her a copy of Burns's poems. She was so impressed that she was inspired to write to the poet and offer her services as a sounding board for his work. The friendship between the two continued until the poet's death, despite the fact she was 29 years his senior.

In this letter, Burns uses grand and expressive language he so often employs when writing to his patrons. He makes several allusions to literature within the letter, quoting from Shenstone, Young, the Metrical Psalms, and the Bible.

Interestingly, he mentions a recent visit to the home of Patrick Miller, his landlord at Ellisland Farm. There he performed his rewritten lyrics to the song Raving winds around her blowing, much to the delight of Mrs Miller.

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  1. Letters from and to Robert Burns ( )
  2. Letter from Robert Burns to Mrs Dunlop, 16 August 1788