
Volume of Press Cuttings & associated Correspondence

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1816 to 1896
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Volume of Press Cuttings & associated Correspondence.

Pages 1 -4 penciled notes on editions of Burns poems; Page 5 commemoration of Burns in London, 1816; Page 6 letter from George Bissell in Paris to Mr Angus on the composition of Burns and Highland Mary, 1896; notes on Findlay’s edition of Burns poems; Page 8 note of editions of works of Robert Fergusson; Page 9 notes on Robert Burns cigars, 1898; Page 10 description of Andrew Lang’s Burns; Page 11 letter from Sotherby’s to W Craibe Angus regarding Auchinleck Burns, 1893; p12-13 correspondence between Andrew Gibson in Belfast and Mr Craibe Angus art dealer in Glasgow on Hateley Waddell’s edition of Burns, 1893; Page 19 selection of books on Robert Burns published by William Hodge and Co, Glasgow, 1896; note on background to Jolly Beggars, Address to the Deil etc; Page 33 Tait’s Edinburgh Magazine report on Burns Festival, 1844; Page 35 syllabus for Rosebery Burns Club, 1899-1900; Page 37 programme for Kilmarnock Burns Club, 1889 and centenary year, 1896