
Burns Relationship Explorer

View everything sent by Robert Burns in our collection

View everything received by Agnes McLehose in our collection

  • Letter 12 December 1787

    Letter from Robert Burns to Agnes McLehose, 12 December 1787

    Robert met Mrs Agnes McLehose during his extended trip to Edinburgh. Although they were both involved with other people, the two began an written, arguably romantic affair which has been immortalized through their surviving correspondence. Addressing each other as ‘Sylvander’ and ‘Clarinda’ to protect their identities in case of exposure, Robert and Agnes continued to write to each other for years, even after Robert married Jean Armour and moved to Ellisland near Dumfries.

  • Letter 20 December 1787

    Letter from Robert Burns to Agnes McLehose, 20 December 1787

    Letter from Robert Burns to Agnes McLehose, dated 20 December 1787. The signature and date have been cut off with another small section at the end of the letter.

  • Letter 28 December 1787

    Letter from Robert Burns to Mrs Agnes McLehose, 28 December 1787

    Includes his comment on their choice of names "You cannot imagine, Clarinda, (I like the idea of Arcadian names in commerce of this kind).' This is the earliest letter in which R.B. signed himself "Sylvander".

  • Letter 16 January 1788

    Letter from Robert Burns to Agnes McLehose, 16 January 1788

    Letter from Robert Burns to Agnes McLehose, dated 16 January 1788

  • Letter 20 January 1788 to 21 January 1788

    Letter from Robert Burns to Agnes McLehose, 20 and 21 January 1788

    Letter from Robert Burns to Agnes McLehose, dated 20 and 21 January 1788 (2 folios) signed "Sylvander"

  • Letter 26 January 1788

    Letter from Robert Burns to Agnes McLehose, 26 January 1788

    Letter from Robert Burns to Agnes McLehose, dated 26 January 1788 signed "Sylvander" but the greeting and date are awanting [presumably to Mrs McLehose], arranging a meeting.

  • World event 29 dhen Fhaoilleach 1788

    Charles Edward Stuart (Bonnie Prince Charlie) dies in Rome.

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  • Letter 3 February 1788

    Letter from Robert Burns to Agnes McLehose, 3 February 1788

    Letter from Robert Burns to Agnes McLehose, dated 3 February 1788. 2 folios.

  • Letter 13 February 1788

    Letter from Robert Burns to Agnes McLehose, 13 February 1788

    Letter from Robert Burns to Agnes McLehose, 13 February 1788. Incomplete; the conclusion of the letter is missing.

  • Letter 18 February 1788

    Letter from Robert Burns to Agnes McLehose, 18 February 1788

    Letter from Robert Burns to Agnes McLehose, dated Glasgow, 18 February 1788. The letter has been mutilated by "Clarinda".

  • Letter 22 February 1788

    Letter from Mrs Agnes McLehose to Robert Burns, 22 February 1788

    Robert met Mrs Agnes McLehose during his extended trip to Edinburgh. Although they were both involved with other people, the two began an epistolatory affair which has been immortalized through their surviving correspondence. Addressing each other as ‘Sylvander’ and ‘Clarinda’ to protect their identities in case of exposure, Robert and Agnes continued to write to each other for years, even after Robert married Jean Armour and moved to Ellisland near Dumfries.

  • Burns event 22 dhen Ghearran 1788

    Burns returns to Tarbolton to see Jean Armour, who is pregnant.

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  • Burns event 2 dhen Mhàrt 1788

    Jean Armour gives birth to twin girls, who both die, unnamed, within a month.

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  • Letter 7 March 1788

    Verses to Clarinda

    Robert met Mrs Agnes McLehose during his extended trip to Edinburgh. Although they were both involved with other people, the two began an epistolatory affair which has been immortalized through their surviving correspondence. Addressing each other as ‘Sylvander’ and ‘Clarinda’ to protect their identities in case of exposure, Robert and Agnes continued to write to each other for years, even after Robert married Jean Armour and moved to Ellisland near Dumfries.

  • Burns event 24 dhen Chèitean 1788

    Burns takes on the lease at Ellisland, the farm he and Jean will live in from 1789 to 1791.

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  • Burns event 13 dhen Iuchar 1788

    Burns receives his Excise commission and begins his traineeship.

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  • Burns event 4 dhen t-Sultain 1788

    The formal marriage of Jean Armour and Robert Burns is registered in Mauchline, although they likely married in March 1788.

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  • Burns event 31 dhen Dàmhair 1788

    Jenny Clow, the maid of Agnes Maclehose in Edinburgh, gives birth to a son, Robert Burns Jnr.

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  • Letter 3 December 1788

    Letter from Robert Burns to Agnes McLehose, 3 January 1788

    Letter from Robert Burns to Agnes McLehose, dated 3 January 1788. The signature has been cut off.

  • Burns event 16 dhen Dùbhlachd 1788

    Burns sends the first version of ‘Auld Lang Syne’ to Mrs Dunlop. During his time at Ellisland Farm, Burns writes over 130 songs and poems, nearly a quarter of his total output.

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  • Letter 1789

    Thou lingering Star with lessening ray and To Mary in Heaven

    Three years after her death and still haunted by the memory of their last meeting, Robert describes his love for Agnes and his enduring sorrow.

  • Burns event 31 dhen Dùbhlachd 1788

    Robert Burns formally takes up Excise work with a salary of £50 per annum.

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  • World event 31 dhen Dùbhlachd 1788

    William Blake writes Songs of Innoncence.

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  • World event 29 dhen Ghiblean 1789

    George Washington becomes the first President of the United States of America.

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  • Burns event 31 dhen Chèitean 1789

    Jean Armour and Robert Burns move into Ellisland Farm.

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  • World event 13 dhen Iuchar 1789

    The fall of the Bastille in Paris marks the beginning of the French Revolution.

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  • Burns event 17 dhen Lùnastal 1789

    Francis Wallace Burns is born to Jean Armour Burns.

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  • Burns event 31 dhen Dùbhlachd 1789

    Robert Burns writes Tam o’ Shanter.

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  • World event 28 dhen Ghearran 1791

    Thomas Paine’s Rights of Man is published in London.

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  • Burns event 30 dhen Mhàrt 1791

    Anne Park gives birth to Elizabeth ‘Betty’ Burns. Betty is raised by Jean Armour with the rest of Burns’s children after Anne’s death in 1793.

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  • Burns event 8 dhen Ghiblean 1791

    Jean Armour gives birth to William Nicol Burns at Ellisland.

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  • World event 8 dhen t-Sultain 1791

    Washington DC is founded as America’s capital city.

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  • World event 24 dhen t-Sultain 1791

    The first Ten Amendments to the American Constitution are created.

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  • Burns event 10 dhen t-Samhain 1791

    Robert Burns and his family leave Ellisland Farm and take up residence in Dumfries.

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  • World event 4 dhen Dùbhlachd 1791

    Mozart dies, aged 35, in Vienna.

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  • Burns event 5 dhen Dùbhlachd 1791

    The last meeting takes place between Agnes Maclehose and Robert Burns in Edinburgh. She departs for Jamaica to be briefly reconciled with her husband in January 1792.

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  • Letter 15 December 1791

    Letter from Robert Burns to Agnes McLehose, 15 December 1791

    Writing nine days after their final meeting, Robert complains this is the sixth letter he has sent Clarinda without reply. Undeterred, he tells her he is having a ring made to hold a lock of her hair and has sent a song about her for publication.

  • Burns event 31 dhen Dùbhlachd 1791

    Burns is asked to contribute to George Thomson’s A Select Collection of Original Scotish Airs for the Voice.

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  • Burns event 31 dhen Dùbhlachd 1791

    Jean Armour gives birth to Elizabeth Riddell Burns.

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  • World event 31 dhen Dùbhlachd 1791

    Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Woman is published.

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  • Letter 25 January 1792

    Letter from Agnes McLehose to Robert Burns, 25 January, 1792

    Addressed to "Mr Robt. Burns, of the Excise, Dumfries" and initialled "A.M.". This letter has been published in "The correspondance between Burns and Clarinda with a memoir ... arranged and edited by... W.C.McLehose, New York, 1843.