
Burns Relationship Explorer

View everything sent by Robert Burns in our collection

View everything received by Mrs Alexander Stewart in our collection

  • Letter 1786

    The gloomy night is gath'ring fast

    This poem was written by Burns at a time in 1786 when he had arranged to emigrate to Jamaica and was the one which he expected to be "my last song I should ever measure in Caledonia". He is in a mood of depression as he contemplates his farming and other domestic problems which had led to his decision to leave his native soil.

  • Letter 1786

    My Nanie O

    This is one of Burns' earliest recorded poems. He introduces this version in the Stair Manuscript with: 'The following songs were all done at a very early period of life and consequently are incorrect'. In the poem, he describes himself as a 'country plough boy' with little cash and without a care in the world while he has the love of his Nanie.

  • Letter 1786

    In the character of a ruined farmer

    This song tells of the worries a ruined farmer faces, woebegone at the thoughts of how his wife and children will fare. Again Burns turns to the welcome peace of the grave but that would not resolve the problem of caring for his family.

  • Letter 1786

    Stanzas on the same occasion

    In the summer of 1781 Robert left his home at Lochlea and travelled to Irvine to work as a flax dresser. There he suffered from a physical and mental breakdown which lasted for three months. He returned to Lochlea in early 1782.

  • Letter 1786

    The Northern Lass

    Manuscript page 'The Northern Lass'. Part of the Stair manuscript collection. Begins: "Though cruel Fate should bid us part".

  • World event 31 dhen Dùbhlachd 1785

    New Lanark is established in Lanarkshire by entrepreneur David Dale.

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  • Burns event 28 dhen Ghearran 1786

    Jean Armour is sent to Paisley by her family after the affair between her and Robert Burns is discovered.

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  • Burns event 31 dhen Mhàrt 1786

    Robert Burns begins an affair with Margaret ‘Mary’ Campbell (also known as Highland Mary).

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  • Burns event 30 dhen Ghiblean 1786

    Robert Burns writes to David Bryce, describing his plans to move to Jamaica and that he believes he has been abandoned by Jean Armour.

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  • Burns event 30 dhen Ghiblean 1786

    Robert Burns writes to John Richmond about his planned emigration to Jamaica. Burns had been offered the job of bookkeeper on the Springbank plantation in Port Antonio through his friend Dr Patrick Douglas.

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  • World event 30 dhen Ghiblean 1786

    Mozart’s opera The Marriage of Figaro premieres in Vienna.

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  • Burns event 13 dhen Chèitean 1786

    The last meeting takes place between Mary Campbell and Robert Burns, where they exchange marriage vows and bibles. She is reportedly pregnant.

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  • Burns event 24 dhen Ògmhios 1786

    Robert Burns is recalled to Mauchline Kirk (Church) to admit his affair with Jean Burns, who is also pregnant with twins. James Armour (Jean’s father) offers a warrant for Burns’s arrest. Burns goes into hiding.

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  • Burns event 30 dhen Iuchar 1786

    Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect is published through subscription in Kilmarnock. 612 copies are printed, costing 3 shillings each.

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  • World event 31 dhen Iuchar 1786

    Astronomer Caroline Herschel becomes the first woman to be credited with discovering a comet.

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  • Burns event 31 dhen Lùnastal 1786

    Robert Burns informs John Richmond that he has missed the sailing of the Nancy, the first of three ships he booked on to sail to Jamaica.

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  • Burns event 2 dhen t-Sultain 1786

    Jean Armour gives birth to twins, Robert and Jean Burns.

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  • Burns event 19 dhen Dàmhair 1786

    Mary Campbell dies in Greenock, likely from typhus. She is 23 years old.

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  • Letter November 1786

    The Bonnie Lass o' Ballochmyle

    This manuscript headed by Burns 'A Song -- Tune Etrick banks -- On accidentally seeing Miss W.-- A. in an evening walk'. It was written after Burns had strayed into the private estate of Claud Alexander in Ballochmyle. As he wandered along the banks of the river Ayr, he caught a glimpse of Claud's sister Wilhelmina, and wrote the song as an ode to her.

  • Burns event 26 dhen t-Samhain 1786

    Burns travels to Edinburgh and spends the winter there, meeting many patrons, artists and writers.

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  • Burns event 8 dhen Dùbhlachd 1786

    Henry Mackenzie reviews Poems, Chiefly in a Scottish Dialect for the Lounger magazine, casting Robert Burns as ‘this heaven-taught ploughman’.

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  • Burns event 13 dhen Dùbhlachd 1786

    William Creech publishes a subscription proposal for printing a second edition of Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, in Edinburgh.

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  • Burns event 31 dhen Dùbhlachd 1786

    Alexander Nasmyth paints a portrait of Robert Burns for the Edinburgh edition of Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect.

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  • World event 31 dhen Dùbhlachd 1786

    Mozart writes the opera Don Giovanni.

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  • Burns event 16 dhen Ghiblean 1787

    The Edinburgh edition of Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect is published. 3,000 copies are printed and Burns sells the copyright to William Creech for 100 guineas.

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  • World event 30 dhen Ghiblean 1787

    Formerly enslaved people, sent from London, establish Freetown in Sierra Leone.

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  • Burns event 4 dhen Chèitean 1787

    Robert Burns tours the Scottish Borders, using the proceeds of the Edinburgh edition of Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect to fund his tour. He also begins to collect and contribute songs to James Johnson‘s Scots Musical Museum.

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  • Burns event 31 dhen Chèitean 1787

    Robert Burns tours the West Highlands.

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  • Burns event 24 dhen Lùnastal 1787

    Robert Burns tours the Highlands.

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  • Burns event 3 dhen Dùbhlachd 1787

    Robert Burns meets Agnes Maclehose in Edinburgh.

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  • Burns event 7 dhen Dùbhlachd 1787

    Robert Burns and Agnes Maclehose begin exchanging love letters.

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  • World event 29 dhen Fhaoilleach 1788

    Charles Edward Stuart (Bonnie Prince Charlie) dies in Rome.

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  • Burns event 22 dhen Ghearran 1788

    Burns returns to Tarbolton to see Jean Armour, who is pregnant.

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  • Burns event 2 dhen Mhàrt 1788

    Jean Armour gives birth to twin girls, who both die, unnamed, within a month.

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  • Burns event 24 dhen Chèitean 1788

    Burns takes on the lease at Ellisland, the farm he and Jean will live in from 1789 to 1791.

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  • Letter June 1788

    Verses written in Friars Carse Hermitage

    In this poem, the Poet addresses himself to the rustic and the rich, contrasting the aims and ambitions of man with that which will ensure true contentment of the mind and the soul.

  • Burns event 13 dhen Iuchar 1788

    Burns receives his Excise commission and begins his traineeship.

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  • Burns event 4 dhen t-Sultain 1788

    The formal marriage of Jean Armour and Robert Burns is registered in Mauchline, although they likely married in March 1788.

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  • Burns event 31 dhen Dàmhair 1788

    Jenny Clow, the maid of Agnes Maclehose in Edinburgh, gives birth to a son, Robert Burns Jnr.

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  • Letter December 1788

    Alterations of the verses Written in Friars' Carse Hermitage

    This manuscript is headed 'Alteration to the verses, Page 27', which refers to the page number in the Afton Manuscript volume where Burns recorded his first version of this poem. Here on page 43 is the later, longer version. Based on the same theme, the format is somewhat different. Burns considers the ages of man, youth, maturity and old age, at the last giving way to the peace of death and the joy of the resurrection.

  • Burns event 16 dhen Dùbhlachd 1788

    Burns sends the first version of ‘Auld Lang Syne’ to Mrs Dunlop. During his time at Ellisland Farm, Burns writes over 130 songs and poems, nearly a quarter of his total output.

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  • Letter 1789

    The Five Carlins

    In this poem Burns personifies the five Dumfriesshire Boroughs as five women, each giving their opinion as to whom should be their Parliamentary representative at Westminster.

  • Burns event 31 dhen Dùbhlachd 1788

    Robert Burns formally takes up Excise work with a salary of £50 per annum.

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  • World event 31 dhen Dùbhlachd 1788

    William Blake writes Songs of Innoncence.

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  • World event 29 dhen Ghiblean 1789

    George Washington becomes the first President of the United States of America.

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  • Burns event 31 dhen Chèitean 1789

    Jean Armour and Robert Burns move into Ellisland Farm.

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  • World event 13 dhen Iuchar 1789

    The fall of the Bastille in Paris marks the beginning of the French Revolution.

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  • Burns event 17 dhen Lùnastal 1789

    Francis Wallace Burns is born to Jean Armour Burns.

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  • Burns event 31 dhen Dùbhlachd 1789

    Robert Burns writes Tam o’ Shanter.

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  • Letter 1791

    Sweet Afton - a Song

    This is a two-page poem which Burns first enclosed in a letter to Mrs Dunlop dated 5 February 1789 and whose first line is 'Flow gently sweet Afton, among thy green braes'. The six verse lyrics were to be one of Burns's contributions to Johnson's Scots Musical Museum.

  • Letter 1791

    Cragieburn-wood - A Song

    Cragieburn-wood was written by Burns to assist a fellow exciseman John Gillespie in his desire for a relationship with Miss Jean Lorimer, who was the daughter of a farming neighbour at Ellisland.

  • Letter 1791

    On Sensibility - To a Friend

    Burns composed this poem in early July 1790, the same time as he was corresponding with his friend Mrs Dunlop. He included two verses of the work in a letter and later sent her the completed version at the end of the month. A personalised version was sent to Clarinda at the end of the following year.

  • Letter 23 January 1791

    A fragment, which was meant for the beginning of an Elegy on the late Miss Burnet of Monboddo

    Burns wrote this elegy for Elizabeth Burnett (referred to in the Address to Edinburgh as 'Fair Burnet'). It has been suggested that Burns laboured for several months to produce a satisfactory Elegy. Alexander Cunningham received the text from Burns on the 23 January 1791.