The Highlands


Coisich thairis air an drochaid-chrochaidh, agus Abhainn Droma a’ sruthadh tron mhòr-ghil foidhpe.

A' planadh do thurais

Goireasan agus Ruigsinneachd

Faotainneachd 3G/4G
Pàirceadh so-ruigsinneach
Taigh-beag so-ruigsinneach
Seòmar nam badan

Bike racks are available.

Ruigsinneach do bhugaidhean

Coach parking is available by special arrangement. It must be pre-booked.

Dogs are welcome but should be kept on a lead at all times.

Ionad teàirrdseadh charbadan-dealain

The car park is off the A832, close to the junction to the A835.

The car park postcode is IV23 2PJ.

The main car park is open 9.30am–4.30pm.

The overflow car park is open 24 hours.

Parking is free for members; otherwise, it is £5 for cars/motorcycles and £10 for motorhomes.

Slighe fhèin-treòraichte

The toilets are open 9.30am–4.30pm.

A short, steep walk from the car park along a good path takes you to the suspension bridge, which sways slightly. Walk across the 25m long bridge – stopping to enjoy the vertigo-inducing view of the river below if you dare! Then stand on the cantilevered viewing platform on the opposite side of the gorge and look down onto the crashing 45m high Falls of Measach. You may also catch glimpses of Loch Broom from here.

As an added bonus, the gorge is even more spectacular when it’s raining or after a recent wet spell.

As well as the path leading to the suspension bridge and viewing platform, the gorge can be explored by following two short trails.

  • Corrieshalloch Gorge is wheelchair accessible but there are steep gradients.
  • There is an easier walk – both wheelchair- and pushchair-friendly – to a bench where there are views of Loch Broom and the surrounding countryside.

Opening times

Coire Shalach

Current period 1 Jan–31 Dec, fosgailte gach latha
Ionad agus Cafaidh Slighe gu Nàdar

Current period 29 Mar–1 Nov, daily, 09.30–16.00

Prìs inntrigidh

Corrieshalloch Gorge
One adult family
Parking (cars and motorcycles)
Car park
Parking (motorhomes)
Car park
Parking (motorhome service point)
Car park
Parking (coaches)
Car park

Buill an-asgaidh

Tha inntrigeadh an-asgaidh do na buill uile

Gabh Ballrachd