

We have a wide portfolio of properties that are leased for residential, commercial and agricultural purposes.

Most properties are of cultural, historical and/or architectural interest and we seek tenants who – like us – love Scotland’s heritage and are committed to looking after the properties.

Residential lettings

If we have any properties available for let, they will be listed below and on the S1 Homes website. Please check back here for updates.

If your enquiry is more general, then please feel free to contact us by email at Please note however, that we are unable to maintain a list of prospective interested parties as we are a very small team and do not have the resource to follow up on all speculative enquiries. We will typically place an advert on the above sites, deal with 'live' notes of interest and only remove the ad once a tenancy has been concluded and reference checks completed (so no set ‘closing date’ period).

Commercial and Agricultural lettings

We may, from time to time, have commercial premises, farms and seasonal grazing licences available for let and these will be listed below. For all non-residential enquiries please email