
Letter from Robert Burns to James Sibbald, January 1787

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January 1787
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Burns, Robert (Author)


Letter from Robert Burns to James Sibbald, January 1787. dated "Lawn Market, Friday morn." [January 1787] "Robt. Burns."

This letter from January 1787 was written by Robert to James Sibbald, the founder of the Edinburgh Magazine.

Sibbald was the very first to print a positive review of Burns's first volume of poems, the Kilmarnock edition, in November 1786. Published over a series of issues, Sibbald printed excerpts of the poems and called Burns 'a striking example of native genius bursting through the obscurity of poverty and the obstructions of a laborious life.'

Robert writes this letter to express his heartfelt thanks to publisher. The depth of Burns's appreciation is expressed in the final paragraph where he reflects on his youth and obscurity.

Burns Kilmarnock edition was published on the last day of July 1786, 612 copies were printed and within a month some 600 had been sold.

Archive information


  1. Letters from and to Robert Burns ( )
  2. Letter from Robert Burns to James Sibbald, January 1787