
Letter from Robert Burns to Miss Isabella Mabane, 1 December 1787

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Alt. number
1 December 1787
On display
Burns, Robert (Author)


Letter from Robert Burns to Miss Isabella Mabane, dated 1 December 1787. Dated saturday noon.

This letter was written to Miss Isabella Mabane, a romantic interest of Robert's during his stay in Edinburgh. The letter is thought to have been written on 1 December 1787, only a few days before he meets Agnes McLehose, known in their letters as Clarinda.

Burns appears to have taken a trinket belonging to Miss Mabane to be repaired by a professional restorer. However, the item is now 'past redemption' so he sends back to her with this letter.

Burns also writes that the expression 'Compliments' is cold and 'chilly' in contrast with the feeling he has for the lady, which he describes as being a 'torrid zone.' He also indicates an intention to depart in three or four days and wishes to meet Miss Mabane before he leaves.

Archive information


  1. Letters from and to Robert Burns ( )
  2. Letter from Robert Burns to Miss Isabella Mabane, 1 December 1787