
Letter from Gilbert Burns to Jean Burns, 10 January 1818

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10 January 1818
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Burns, Gilbert (Author)
Burns, Jean Armour

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Letter from Gilbert Burns to Jean Burns, dated Grant's Braes, 10 January 1818.

Letter concerning family matters, his delight that James the youngest son of his sister was able to provide financial assistance so that her previous dependance on the generosity of Mr Ramsay Maule could be ended.

Of his visit to Mr Nasmyth (the maker of it) who was using the portrait to fashion a bust from it, a task which Gilbert ventured to suggest he would not succeed at, and to Naysmyth's efforts at cleaning and restoring the portrait. "He has made it look better than ever I saw it." and of it's reframing at a cost of between 20/- and 30/-. Also some observations on the poor farming situation then prevailing. Addressed to Mrs Burns, Dumfries. Postmarked Haddington. Stamped JAN 13 1818.

Archive information


  1. Letters, documents and ephemera regarding the family of Robert Burns ( )
  2. Letters and Documents relating to Gilbert Burns ( )
  3. Letter from Gilbert Burns to Jean Burns, 10 January 1818