
Burns Relationship Explorer

View everything sent by Gilbert Burns in our collection

View everything received by Jean Armour Burns in our collection

  • Letter 9 June 1813

    Letter from Gilbert Burns to Jean Burns, 9 June 1813

    The letter is regarding family matters including a trip to Kilmarnock where we left my daughter Agnes on Friday last that she might go to Troon with some of her relations for Sea-Bathing as she has been in rather delicate health for sometime. The letter recalls his mother was in tolerable health. Signed Gilbert Burns. Addressed to Mrs Burns Dumfries. Postmark Haddington. Stamped JUNE 10 1813.

  • Letter 16 September 1814

    Letter from Gilbert Burns to Jean Burns, 16 September 1814

    Letter concerns family matters and expressing concern at not knowing if her recent journey to Dumfries had not ended by being "overturned on Errick-stane-Brae". Also noted that his Mother had recently recovered from a Stomach & Bowel upset. Includes a page written by Janet Burns to her Aunt [Mrs Burns]. Addressed to Mrs Burns, Dumfries.

  • Letter 10 July 1815

    Letter from Gilbert Burns to Jean Burns, 10 July 1815

    Reporting the "melancholy intelligence of the death of my youngest daughter Isabella" from "Water in the Head" and indicating that daughters Jean and Agnes were also poorly. Also includes a page written by Janet Burns to her Aunt. Addressed to Mrs Burns, Dumfries. Postmarked Haddington and stamped JUL 11 1815.

  • Letter 7 September 1815

    Letter from Gilbert Burns to Jean Burns, 7 September 1815

    Notes regarding family matters mostly illness of daughters Agnes and Janet. Addressed Mrs Burns Dumfries. "Favoured by Mr Grierson Esq" [ie hand delivered]

  • Letter 27 June 1816

    Letter from Gilbert Burns to Jean Burns, 27 June 1816

    Regarding family matters mostly the ill health of daughter Janet and relating news of other children. Mrs Burns his mother being in good health but frail.

  • Burns event 31 Nollaig 1816

    Robert Burns is reburied in a purpose-built mausoleum in Dumfries.

    View other items in this time period

  • Letter 10 January 1818

    Letter from Gilbert Burns to Jean Burns, 10 January 1818

    Letter concerning family matters, his delight that James the youngest son of his sister was able to provide financial assistance so that her previous dependance on the generosity of Mr Ramsay Maule could be ended.

  • Letter 12 February 1819

    Letter from Gilbert Burns to Jean Burns, 12 February 1819

    Letter concerns family matters and a concern that his nephew James "should not be sufficiently acquainted with the fugitive nature of money, for though I should regret above all things that money should be the idol of his worship, yet I know his kind and generous disposition would subject him to extreme suffering were he inadvertently to indulge in expence (the besetting sin of the present age), which might prevent him paying his accounts, or remitting his Mother's annuity punctually."

  • Letter 15 January 1820

    Letter from Gilbert Burns to Jean Burns, 15 January 1820

    Announcing the death of his Mother who "expired yesterday a little before three O'clock afternoon without a struggle or a groan. Her funeral will be put off till near the end of next week in order to give time for getting an iron frame made to defend against the nightly robbers of the grave." Also enclosing an instruction for an intimation written in the letter to be torn off and sent to Mr MacDiarmid of the Dumfries Newspaper. Addressed to Mrs Burns Dumfries. Haddington January fifteen…

  • Letter 9 June 1820

    Letter from Gilbert Burns to Jean Burns, 9 June 1820

    Advising of the despatch of a parcel on 18th May containing a copy of the Works of Robert Burns from Gilbert to his sister Jean in Dumfries by Mail-Coach, and that in the absence of her confirmation of receipt he must assume the parcel "Miscarried" and that prior to reeking redress, could he have confirmation of non delivery. An anxious letter due to claims for loss being restricted to one month after entry. Address page missing.

  • Letter 20 January 1821

    Letter from Gilbert Burns to Jean Burns, 20 January 1821

    regarding the settlement of £200 sent to Robert [his nephew] to relieve his "embarrasments" and asking his sister to advise her other sons William & James of the transaction and obtain their approval. Addressed to Mrs Burns, Dumfries. postmarked Haddington, stamped JAN 21 1821.

  • Letter 25 August 1821

    Letter from Gilbert Burns to Jean Burns, 25 August 1821

    Letter concerns family matters, particularly the positions achieved by his various sons (two now in Ireland) and what the womenfolk had been up to - white-seam sowing and dressmaking. He makes mention of a bronze statue of our Poet being proposed and that a Mr Flaxman the Sculptor from London is in Edinburgh to "fix the spot on which it is to be placed". Addressed to Mrs Burns, Dumfries, postmarked Dumfries 4 SEP 1821.

  • Letter 27 September 1821

    Letter from Gilbert Burns to Jean Burns, 27 September 1821

    Relating to a reply from Robert on the assistance provided by the earlier loan and an introduction to Mrs Burns of the plans for a monument to Burns in Edinburgh and asking for the portrait of the Poet to be forwarded to Edinburgh to assist the Sculptor Mr Flaxman in his preparation of the work. Addressed to Mrs Burns, Dumfries. postmarked Haddington, stamped SEP 28 1821 and Dumfries 28 SEP 1821.

  • Letter 14 January 1822

    Letter from Gilbert Burns to Jean Burns, 14 January 1822.

    Letter concerns to family matters and the progress with the statue he relates "the picture which however arrived safe in Edinburgh where I saw it having gone in to compare the different likenesses. Provost Kerr's was sent back as not being a good likeness but your picture and a black shade by Houghton which I have (and which is by much the most perfect resemblance), were sent to London to Mr Flaxman." addressed to Mrs Burns, Dumfries.

  • Letter 17 August 1824

    Letter from Gilbert Burns to Jean Burns, 17 August 1824

    Letter from Gilbert Burns to Jean Burns, dated Grant's Braes 17 August, 1824. Letter relating to family matters and the progress of his family and makes a first reference to his own health "Mrs B requests being kindly brought to your rememberance. She as well as myself have declined in strength a good deal lately, and whoever intends visiting us in this world must beware of delaying that intention too long.". Addressed to Mrs Burns, Dumfries. unstamped or postmarked.

  • Letter 18 October 1825

    Letter from Gilbert Burns to Jean Burns, 18 October 1825

    Letter relating to family matters the progress of various children and relations and comments on their own failing health and appearance. addressed to Mrs Burns. Dumfries. postmark Haddington, stamp Dumfries 20 OCT 1825.

  • Letter 10 May 1826

    Letter from Gilbert Burns to Jean Burns,10 May 1826

    Letter from Gilbert Burns to Jean Burns, dated Grant's Braes, 10 May 1826. Notes relating to family matters and the progress of their various children and relatives. postmark Haddington, stamped MAY 11 1826.

  • Letter 16 January 1827

    Letter from Gilbert Burns to Jean Burns,16 January 1827

    Letter relating to the death of his daughter Jean on 4th Jan 1827 of a fever. She was buried in Bolton Churchyard beside her Sister and Grandmother. Addressed to Mrs Burns, Dumfries. postmark Haddington, stamped JAN 17 1827 and DUMFRIES 18 JAN 1827. Sealed in black wax with a GB seal.