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Food & Drink

Nàdar Coffee Beans

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Experience the rich flavour of Nàdar Coffee Beans, meaning "Nature" in Scottish Gaelic.

Our exclusive Fairtrade-certified beans are only available through the National Trust for Scotland. Certified, and sourced from farming co-operatives in Brazil, Honduras, and India.

The recipe has been carefully designed to capture the essence of the Trust, and its profile can be described as Roasted, Earthy, Sweet & Pinewood.

Indulge in these espresso beans' smooth taste while supporting environmental responsibility.

Taste notes are roast on the nose, earthy and woodsy flavours on the palate, mouthfeel softens the body, and intense aftertaste with warming, bittersweet and bonfire notes that lengthen flavour intensity in milk.

Personality is cosy, like roasting marshmallows on a bonfire, long walks in the country, or pine wood on a windy day.

© 2024 National Trust for Scotland