Discover more about Scotland’s heritage and how we’re working to protect it.
Our winter places
Here’s a handy guide to which of our places are open this winter, so you can start planning some memorable days out.
Where do our seabirds spend Christmas?
While you are tucking into your Christmas pudding, have you ever wondered where our seabirds are spending the festive period?
Funding win marks anniversary of Mackintosh acquisition
Mackintosh Illuminated project receives £1.1 million package of development funding from The National Lottery Heritage Fund.
Christmas at Castle Fraser
The decorations at Castle Fraser are made with plants grown in the castle garden, then cut and dried in time for Christmas. Enjoy this festive celebration of the garden inside the castle.
Visitor statistics for the Hill House
The Hill House Visitor Services team were curious to learn whether the language guides currently on offer at the site represented the languages spoken most by our visitors.
The PLANTS project: Falkland Palace – the Percy Cane garden
PLANTS East Team Manager Alistair Chalmers explores the historical significance of Falkland Palace’s gardens.
Supporting communities and wellbeing with walks in nature
Find out how we’re working with communities and using our amazing outdoor places to boost people’s wellbeing.
Amateur gardeners leave lasting legacy for rare Arran trees
A couple with a passion for the rare Arran whitebeam have worked for years to help save the native tree species from extinction.
Trust experts to host talks at Highland Cinema
We’re partnering with Fort William’s Highland Cinema to host a series of talks this winter.