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A view looking along a deep, woodland gorge towards a waterfall. A suspension bridge spans the gorge above the waterfall.
8 Mar 2021

First look at Corrieshalloch plans

Find out how we plan to improve facilities at Corrieshalloch Gorge National Nature Reserve.

An old, metal, cage-like helmet structure is displayed against a plain grey background. It has a band that goes across the top of the head, a metal collar and a protruding part where the mouth would sit.
8 Mar 2021

Hold yer tongue

To mark International Women’s Day, we look at a scold’s bridle in our collection at Craigievar Castle, examining its original purpose and its enduring legacy.

A close-up of a skylark standing in a grassy field. It has pale, golden brown feathers with a cream tummy. It has a raised crest on top of its head.
5 Mar 2021

A battle for survival on Culloden Moor

This spring, there is a battle for survival taking place on Culloden Moor – not the story of the Jacobites this time, but our beautiful skylarks.

A wildflower border in a garden, with a lot of red poppies and other pink and blue flowers.
5 Mar 2021

New meadow planting is a sensory delight at Brodie Castle

Increasing the biodiversity of the Brodie estate, while adding colour and scent, is all part of the plan behind the ongoing meadow planting.

An oil painting of a rowing boat moored at the side of a loch. It is sunset. There are mountains on the far side of the loch. Reeds and long grass grow along the banks.
4 Mar 2021

Relaxing Trust landscapes

Listen to a relaxing description of three beautiful landscape paintings in our care.

A close-up view of a sunlight recorder, which consists of a glass ball (rather like a crystal ball) mounted on a sundial-type frame. A metal structure half encircles it, with markings on it to chart the sun's progress.
4 Mar 2021

Come rain or shine – Inverewe’s weather station

The Inverewe gardening team take daily weather recordings for the Met Office to help improve forecasting accuracy and climate modelling.

An embroidered bedspread on a single bed. The design includes Mackintosh-style roses.
2 Mar 2021

Jane Younger and art

To mark Women’s History Month, we take a closer look at Jane Younger, sister of Anna Blackie of the Hill House, Helensburgh.

Bird's eye view of Brodie Castle, with the long driveway leading to it. The castle is surrounded by woodland.
2 Mar 2021

From tree to table at Brodie Castle

Habitat restoration, regenerating and recycling are all part of the planned 10-year forestry programme at Brodie Castle.

Collage of old photos of women .actresses in various costumes and poses
1 Mar 2021

Photos of actresses (and their amazing lives) from the Tenement House

We take a closer look at Miss Toward’s collection of images of famous leading ladies and uncover the dramatic lives behind them.