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A little sparrow-sized bird perches on the end of a wooden twig, against a bright green background. It has an orange chest and white brown stripes on its face.
14 Jan 2021

Wildlife spotter’s guide: Goatfell

The wildest and highest parts of Arran are also home to an incredible range of amazing wildlife, including a number of Scotland’s most iconic species.

A peregrine falcon stands on a mossy ledge at Grey Mare’s Tail, looking directly at the camera. It has a hooked beak with a sharp point, and large yellow feet with sharp talons. - copyright Richard Clarkson
14 Jan 2021

Wildlife spotter’s guide: Grey Mare’s Tail

Grey Mare’s Tail is one of the most spectacular landmarks in southern Scotland. As you venture through this hanging valley, a wealth of wildlife species are revealed.

A small brown bird, with an orange tummy, stands in a field. It has a striking white line over its black eye.
14 Jan 2021

Wildlife spotter’s guide: Mar Lodge Estate

Britain’s largest National Nature Reserve is truly a wildlife wonderland, home to many of Scotland’s most iconic species.

Two long-tailed tits stand on a lichen-covered branch. Both extend their tails fully behind them. They have pale tummies, with pink and black markings on their bodies. They also have a little orange stripe above their eyes.
14 Jan 2021

Wildlife spotter’s guide: Inveresk Lodge Garden

A mixture of habitats, including a garden, woodland, a meadow and a pond, results in a wide variety of wildlife found in this pretty hillside garden.

A view of a tall, turreted, pink-walled castle, with an older stone wall in the foreground. At the corner of the wall is a small tower, with a slate tiled conical roof. Green lawns, tall trees and shrubs otherwise surround the castle.
13 Jan 2021

A path to the past

Craigievar Castle was once adjoined by a lower enclosing wall, known in Scots as a barmkin. Our installation of new paving and interpretation panels help to tell the story of this ‘lost wall’.

An aerial view of Brodick Castle, Garden and Country Park on Arran. The glistening blue bay can be seen in the bottom left corner. The castle can be seen with the garden in front, all surrounded by green woodland.
12 Jan 2021

The Great Eight at Brodick Castle, Garden & Country Park

Susan Mills, Head Education Guide at Brodick Castle, tells us about some of her favourite things to look out for at the property.

A view of Brodie Castle after heavy snowfall. The lawns and trees are blanketed with snow. The sky is a pale blue. The walls of the castle look even more orange in contrast.
22 Dec 2020

Hogmanay in the Highlands

Find out more about the origins of our Hogmanay traditions and how this night may have been celebrated at Brodie Castle in the Scottish Highlands.

A hen harrier in flight. It has a predominantly white body, with black-tipped wings.
18 Dec 2020

Welcoming back the ghost of the moor

In 2016, hen harriers returned to breed on Mar Lodge Estate for the first time in living memory.

A close-up detail of a watercolour illustration of a boxing match, mostly in sepia and grey tones. Two boxers deliver blows to each other's face in a fenced-in boxing ring, with two trainers behind each boxer. A large crowd is shown watching the fight.
18 Dec 2020

A tale of two champions: the fight for freedom

In the second part of our blog, Regional Curator Sarah Beattie takes a closer look at the lives of Molineaux and his trainer, and their experiences as black boxers in Britain in the early 1800s.