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Black and white photograph of a large, hairy ram in a field with a stone wall behind.
7 Dec 2020

Written in the stars

Explore the astrological signs through objects from our historical collections!

Crude black and white drawing showing the inside of a turf house, with animals and a byre at one end, and living quarters for people at the other.
3 Dec 2020

Turf times as building material search gets underway

Historic building material is needed for our Glencoe recreation of a 17th-century dwelling.

Dozens of gannets fly over the sea, close to the shore of St Kilda.
3 Dec 2020

Scotland’s largest conservation charity supports new marine protections

The National Trust for Scotland has welcomed the announcement by the Scottish Government and Marine Scotland that an additional 12 marine sites around Scotland have been given Special Protection Area status.

Old stamped envelopes are laid across a table on top of a tablecloth. A plate of drop scones and a teacup can be seen just behind them.
3 Dec 2020

The past in the post

Agnes Toward, of the Tenement House, held onto many letters throughout her life, from which we can learn about bygone eras.

Delicately coloured photo of a Japanese lady playing a shamisen in front of a screen decorated with cherry blossom.
2 Dec 2020

What’s Up with Hornel

An exhibition at Edinburgh City Art Centre called E. A. Hornel: From Camera to Canvas is very interesting and doesn’t take long to see.

A lady with short fair hair sits in a warehouse-type area. A clothing rail with t-shirts on hangers stands behind her.
2 Dec 2020

Meet the Makers: Jo Murray from Sonsie Face Ltd

The Trust is proud to support talented makers and craftspeople from across Scotland, by selling their products in our physical and online shops. This time, we meet Jo Murray from Sonsie Face Ltd.

A close-up of the head of a red deer stag. It is looking directly at the camera. It has large furry ears, with smooth antlers rising above. Its dark fur beneath its paler face is quite shaggy.
1 Dec 2020

Wildlife spotter’s guide: Glencoe

A walk in Glencoe never disappoints. Surrounded by some of Scotland’s most-loved scenery, wildlife treats abound for those who tread quietly and carefully.

A fulmar soars through the air, a green cliff in the background. Its grey wings are spread out wide, its tail is fanned out, and its white head is slightly turned to look at the camera!
1 Dec 2020

Wildlife spotter’s guide: St Abb’s Head

Famed for its seabird colonies, there is a wealth of wildlife to discover at this coastal National Nature Reserve.

Two glossy black ravens perch on a wooden log, both looking to the left. There is woodland in the background.
1 Dec 2020

Wildlife spotter’s guide: Ben Lomond

The rich variety of natural habitats at Ben Lomond mean a wide range of Scottish wildlife can be seen throughout the year.