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A view of the grand exterior of Newhailes House, seen through the branches of a tree. Grand stone steps lead up to the front door. Many of the windows have red blinds.
31 Aug 2020

Newhailes: designed for relaxation

Designed 300 years ago, the land around Newhailes offers woodland and parkland walks and contains some hidden archaeological treasures.

Close-up of a tree with heart-shaped purplish-red leaves.
31 Aug 2020

Highlight plants at Crarae Garden this September

September is a month of change in many gardens – and Crarae Garden in Argyll is no different. Here are some of our early autumn highlights.

A seal pup swims away from the camera on the surface of bright blue, calm water.
31 Aug 2020

Wildlife boat trips at Inverewe

Visitors now have the chance to view Inverewe’s spectacular and abundant wildlife from the water as well as the garden. You never know what you might see, as one recent boat trip discovered!

Close-up of small piles of colourful spices, including cinnamon sticks, turmeric and star anise.
31 Aug 2020

A Gladstone’s Land plague remedy

Gladstone’s Land sold all the ingredients to ‘cure’ 17th-century Edinburgh residents of the plague.

Four children wrapped up in anoraks and hats on a remote beach, holding postcards and a St Kilda mailboat.
29 Aug 2020

St Kilda mailboat’s epic journey

A very special delivery has been made in the week of the 90th anniversary of the evacuation of St Kilda.

A black and white photo of four people looking for shells on a sandy beach. Three sit or crouch on the beach, running their hands through the sand. The fourth woman stands and leans over the man closest to the foreground.
28 Aug 2020

Why do we collect shells?

As British summertime ends, we’re beachcombing our collections for shells, to illustrate how a humble home for a sea creature has become a symbol of luxury and power in art and design.

Male emperor moth on straw. It has prominent eyespots on forewings and hindwings.
28 Aug 2020

Moths of Ben Lawers

Moth Night 2020 takes place from 27–29 August. Here, we look at some of the more unusual day-flying moths found at Ben Lawers.

A black and white border collie sits at the top of a mountain on a large rock. Behind is a ridge path leading to another summit. Many other mountains and a loch can be seen in the background. The dog wears a purple collar with a paw print locket.
26 Aug 2020

Your dogs, our places

We asked you to share pics of your pooches at our places and you obliged! We provided the (stunning) backdrops and you provided the picture-perfect pooches! Take a look at a selection of what you shared with us ...

Black and white photograph of the Hill House in Helensburgh.
26 Aug 2020

The Hill House: domestic servants

The life of a domestic servant during the Edwardian era was like no other. Life at the Hill House was a lot more tranquil than that portrayed in programmes such as Downton Abbey, but it was still busy and challenging.