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Showing 248 results for History and archaeology. Clear filter
A woman in a white 18th-century dress with a green ribbon under the bust holds her skirts and points her foot forward and to the floor, as if about to dance.
11 Aug 2021

Dancing in Georgian Edinburgh

Join our historical dance expert and volunteer Dr Alena Shmakova at the Georgian House for a look at the importance of dancing in Georgian Edinburgh.

Specialist textile conservator Sophie Younger pins netting to a tapestry in Falkland Palace, which is decorated with a forest scene.
6 Aug 2021

Stitching the past: the tale of the Falkland tapestries

We are conserving special tapestries that have hung at Falkland Palace for 115 years. We look back at how their story reveals decades of care and restoration throughout the 20th century.

The intricate metal work encasing the covered handle of a basket-handled broadsword, the beginning of the blade just visible.
30 Jul 2021

Science behind the sword

Swords were an essential piece of kit for any Jacobite soldier, but what made them so deadly?

A oil painting of a young woman, dressed in a long dark dress. She is seated at a small table, and rests her arm on an open book on the table. Her hair is arranged in top of her head, and she wears a long pearl necklace.
24 Jun 2021

Mary, Duchess of Montrose (1884–1957), née Douglas-Hamilton

Join Regional Curator Sarah Beattie for the final post in her series exploring the lives of the Hamilton family and the impact they had on the building, collections and interiors at Brodick Castle.

A white stone shrine stands beside a seaweed-covered beach. The top of the shrine incorporates a panel of stained glass, with religious figures.
22 Jun 2021

The feast day of St Columba

Enjoy some images and sounds from Canna related to Cholm Cille (St Columba) to mark his 1,500th birthday in 2021.

A black and white photo of a wedding group standing under a tree. From the left are an elderly gentleman in a suit and a beard; a young woman in a neat suit and blouse; a tall young gentleman in a smart suit, holding a coat over his arm; then a small woman in a suit and hat, holding a pair of gloves.
11 Jun 2021

Bride, banns & braces – when two folklorists wed

Read a special personal account of the wedding of Canna’s John Lorne Campbell and Margaret Fay Shaw in June 1935.

Three ice cream cones lie on a plate. The two either side are a pale ice cream and the one in the middle is bright pink. The cones are topped with chocolate.
7 Jun 2021

A taste of history at Gladstone’s Land

The Gladstone’s Land refurbishment has been inspired by hundreds of years of history.

Highly detailed 3D model of the west end of Canna Harbour bay and the bridge to Sanday
19 May 2021

A virtual tour of Canna and Sanday

Thanks to incredibly detailed 3D mapping data captured by drones, you can now explore the islands of Canna and Sanday virtually.

A metal label which says 'whisky', which would have sat around the neck of a decanter.
14 May 2021

Tasting the ‘water of life’

To celebrate World Whisky Day on Saturday 15 May, we explore what early illicit whisky might have tasted like and look at some of the items associated with whisky in our collections.