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After Dark at Brodie Castle
Theatre maker Al Seed created an after-dark solo tour experience that re-imagined a journey through history, hosted by an invisible yet ever-present guide.
Living the high life on Bronze Age Arran
A radiocarbon date has shown that a high-altitude roundhouse on Arran was occupied over 3,300 years ago.
On the trail of classical architecture: William and Robert Adam
Find out more about the remarkable father and son architects of the 18th century – and their beautiful buildings in our care.
Thanks for responding to our SOS
Supporters are giving generously to our Save Our Scotland appeal.
Love Scotland?
There are hundreds of reasons to love being a member of the National Trust for Scotland.
175 years of the Bavarian summerhouse at Brodick Castle
We take the opportunity to celebrate the history of this iconic building as it reaches an impressive 175 years old this year.
Té an ath-dhoras – the woman next door
We take a look at how ‘ordinary’ women are represented in the photographic collections of Canna House.
Antiques Roadshow seeks stories for Culzean visit
BBC One’s Antiques Roadshow is coming to Culzean in 2020 and is looking for the public to share their stories.