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A man on a bicycle, cycling on a wide path with trees on either side.
19 Jun 2020

Cycling across the States to Save Our Scotland

US-based George Russell (73) is cycling 3,200 miles to raise funds for the Trust.

19 Jun 2020

Music Day on the summer solstice

In France, the longest day is the day people celebrate ‘La Fete de la Musique’, or Music Day.

A pine woodland with blue sky above. A close-up of a large tree trunk at the left hand side.
18 Jun 2020

Mar Lodge pinewoods

We’ve been preserving and regenerating the ancient Caledonian pine forest over the last 25 years at Mar Lodge Estate.

Box hedging surrounds gravelled areas with plants (lots of lavender) and a stone statue of an angel. A stone outbuilding is in the background.
16 Jun 2020

Virtual garden tour: Fyvie Castle walled garden

Join Fyvie Castle gardeners Stuart Stockley and Gordon Thomson, as they take you on a fascinating tour around the Walled Garden of Scottish Fruits, home to the largest collection of Scottish fruits and vegetables.

A sundial sits on a mown path in a garden, with trees around the edge. A bush with bright orange flowers is directly  behind the sundial.
16 Jun 2020

Virtual garden tour: Brodie Castle shrubbery

Join Brodie Castle Head Gardener Ed Walling as he takes you on a relaxing tour round the beautiful shrubbery.

A sundial stands in a grassy circular clearing. The beds around are filled with flowering plants, and rhododendrons bloom in the foreground.
15 Jun 2020

Virtual garden tour: Branklyn Garden

Join Branklyn Garden Property Manager and Head Gardener Jim Jermyn, as he takes you on a short tour round the stunning 2-acre hillside garden in Perth.

15 Jun 2020

Winner of the Scottish Animal World Cup revealed

We saw an otterly thrilling final in the first-ever World Cup of Scottish animals!

A close-up of a woman sitting, wearing a navy fleece with a pink and white scarf.
12 Jun 2020

Magda Sagarzazu: Keeper of Canna’s Flame

Read about the life of Canna’s tradition bearer Magda Sagarzazu and the impact she had on Scotland’s heritage.

A purple flower grows in grassland, surrounded by long grass and other yellow flowers.
10 Jun 2020

Blooming gorgeous: northern marsh orchid

These beautiful purple flowers thrive in the species-rich grassland at St Abb’s Head NNR.