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A close-up of a stone statue, standing against a blue sky background. The statue is of a kilted man, wearing a sporran and bonnet, and carrying a sword at his side.
27 May 2020

Teaching resources on Scotland’s history shared online

Resources are now available on Google Classroom to support online teaching during COVID-19.

A large round stone cairn stands in the middle of a battlefield. Mountains and forests can be seen in the distance.
26 May 2020

Renewed threat to Culloden Conservation Area

We’re opposing a new attempt to develop Treetops Stables, Faebuie, Culloden Moor as a holiday complex.

Three children in bunny outfits running in front of a large house.
22 May 2020

An eggs-cellent use of our Easter egg mountain

When the coronavirus pandemic cancelled our Easter egg hunts, we needed to find homes for 38,000 chocolate treats.

The common entrance to a red sandstone tenement block, with steps leading up to the front door.
20 May 2020

A guide to exploring Glasgow tenements

How many of these features can you find in your tenement flat?

A black and white photo of a man in a diving suit with flippers, standing on a pebbly beach. A steep rock face can be seen in the background.
20 May 2020

Through the eyes of: a diver, photographer and volunteer

There’s not much that Jack Laws doesn’t know about St Abb’s Head, above and below the waves.

A hand holds up a mortice key in front of Canna House. A gravel path crosses a lawn and reaches a large wooden front door.
19 May 2020

From quiet homes and first beginnings

Archivist Fiona Mackenzie describes her first five years on the Isle of Canna.

Preston Mill is surrounded by grass meadows. It has orange stone walls with a conical roof, that leans slightly to the side.
18 May 2020

Preston Mill goes for a whirl

Vital lockdown work at Preston Mill keeps Scotland’s heritage alive.

Black and white photo of a hall full of men in 1930. Several men are standing on a stage, and one man is being presented with a fancy box.
15 May 2020

Delving into the archives at J M Barrie’s Birthplace

Here we highlight some of our archive collection relating to J M Barrie, creator of Peter Pan.