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Black and white photograph of two men wearing suits and hats, sitting on a bench in a garden.
8 May 2020

A glimpse into the life of J M Barrie

In the first of two stories, we take a look at the life and works of J M Barrie, creator of Peter Pan, to mark the 160th anniversary of his birth on 9 May.

A sepia photograph of Agnes Toward. It is a head-and-shoulders shot. She wears a velvet top and a double string of pearls.
7 May 2020

Postcards for Peace

Miss Agnes Toward’s collection of postcards is one she treasured. Here, we take a look at her Postcards for Peace.

A view of the Three Sisters mountains in Glencoe, looking down the glen as they tower to the left.
5 May 2020

Catch us on the big screen!

Enjoy some of our amazing National Trust for Scotland places from the comfort of your own home.

A large stone detached house surrounded by a lawn with clumps of daffodils and a tree with no leaves yet.
5 May 2020

A virtual walk around Canna House Garden

See and hear springtime in Canna House Garden with Archivist Fiona Mackenzie

Poppies and other wildflowers grow on a rocky coastline, with a bright blue sea in the background. A ferry can be seen in the distance.
4 May 2020

An island odyssey

In these challenging times when we are unable to visit the very special places that are in the care of the Trust, one of our Trustees recalls a uniquely memorable five days in June 2018.

Black and white photograph of a woodland garden.
4 May 2020

The creation of the woodland garden at Brodick Castle

The plant collection at Brodick Castle has long been held in high regard by horticulturalists and enthusiasts from around the world. Discover how the woodland garden was established a century ago.

Bird's-eye view of a 3D model of the Hill House.
30 Apr 2020

Digital heritage in the time of coronavirus

Digital platforms are offering new ways to explore our heritage virtually now that we can’t visit in person.

Two Highland cows, with thick shaggy coats, graze in a fenced-off paddock at Culloden.
28 Apr 2020

Meet the Culloden cows

In the midst of so much change, our animals continue to graze the battlefield – although they must be wondering where all their visitors have gone!

A black and white photograph of Culzean Castle, taken from the garden in front. There are trees in the foreground and the walls of the court are covered in ivy.
28 Apr 2020

A history of the productive garden at Culzean

The productive garden at Culzean has a long and interesting past. Here we look at the history of the walled garden, with a focus on the 19th century.