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A flock of turnstone birds coming into land at the sea shore with their red feet outstretched.
27 Apr 2020

St Abb's Head through the seasons: winter

Enjoy a stunning gallery of winter wildlife, captured by award-winning nature photographer Laurie Campbell at St Abb’s Head National Nature Reserve.

A black and white photo of two hands folded on a lap. The fingernails are cut very short.
24 Apr 2020

Our photographic guide to staying safe during COVID-19

We can all do our bit to #ProtectTheNHS. We’ve had a look through our photographic collection for some tips.

A family with a mum, dad and two children walk along a grassy path in a walled garden. Flower-filled beds surround them either side.
24 Apr 2020

The Lidl Book of Big Adventures

We worked with our friends at Lidl to create fun family activities you can try this spring.

A black and white photo of a man sitting on a chair playing a bass flute. The photo is superimposed on another black and white photograph, in a grey tone, showing the same man standing in front of a grand house in 1938.
24 Apr 2020

John Lorne Campbell – ‘a Scottish patriot of unique stamp’

We take a look at the life and achievements of Canna folklorist John Lorne Campbell, to mark the 24th anniversary of his death on 25 April 1996.

24 Apr 2020

National Gardening Week

Green thumbs get your spades ready! National Gardening Week runs from 27 April until 3 May.

A blackbird perches on the very top of a spruce pine. Its bright yellow beak is wide open in song.

A spotter’s guide to spring: for families

We’ve put together a spring spotter’s sheet which you can use in your garden, on your daily walk or (if you can’t get out) from your window – see how many things you can spot!

A view of the kitchen garden on a sunny day at Holmwood, with the house in the background. Several beds are laid out and surrounded by flowering borders. Currant frames can be seen at the centre. Several scarecrows stand in various beds.
21 Apr 2020

Kitchen gardens from around the Trust

Many of us enjoy growing herbs or vegetables at home, but here we take a look at some of our places that grow produce on possibly a larger scale!