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A large tree looms over a collection of shrubs in the foreground. The tree is covered in large white flowers, which especially stand out against the deep blue sky.
4 Aug 2023

The PLANTS project: three tree highlights

After spending time at Arduaine Garden, Lucrezia Rossi (PLANTS Inventory Officer) describes a few of her favourite trees.

A lady stands in the 17th-century bedchamber at Gladstone's Land, solemnly looking at a portrait on the wall.
4 Aug 2023

Love Scotland podcast – Season 6

Listen to the sixth season of the Trust’s podcast, which explores some of the stories behind our people and places.

An open glass jar of peach jam sits on a wooden table, with a sprig of rosemary tucked in the hinged lid. Behind the jar is a plate of fruit scones.

Peach jam recipe from Culzean

Have a go at making some peach jam this summer, using our delicious recipe from Culzean.

Looking across a calm Village Bay, just above the rocky beach and stone pier. A large cruise ship is at anchor in the middle of the bay, and several smaller boats are anchored closer to shore. A RIB is alongside the jetty, filled with passengers, and another two RIBs wait out in the bay.
28 Jul 2023

From the edge of the world 2023: part 2

From birthday parties to handling sudden medical emergencies, our St Kilda ranger shares some extracts from her daily log, giving a flavour of what life on the islands is really like.

A collection of wooden chalet-style houses on a grassy mountainous slope. Very tall mountains rise in the background.
21 Jul 2023

Shining a light on the Canna archives – Italian-style!

Canna archivist Fiona Mackenzie profiled the Canna archives at Premio Ostana (a ceremony dedicated to works in minority languages) in the Italian Alps.

A waterfall tumbles down a lush green hillside on a sunny day.
14 Jul 2023

Why we love Grey Mare’s Tail Nature Reserve

With a mesmerising waterfall and a spectacular ‘surprise’ loch, members of our ranger team share some of the reasons to explore this nature reserve near Moffat.

Brightly coloured stone cats stand in a line in front of a stone wall.
13 Jul 2023

Cats Gu Leòr on Canna 2023

This year’s Solas residency on Canna shone a light on our Canna Cat collection through a weekend of arts, crafts and music events.

A large sea stack stands close to an island, separated only by a narrow channel. The stack has a grassy top and then a rocky base. The rocky areas are covered in seabirds.
10 Jul 2023

Treshnish Isles join the Trust

The Treshnish Isles have joined the portfolio of special places in our care.

A 200-year-old wooden hand loom is set up with orange threads. It is huge! It has the wool threaded into various wooden parts. Pedals can be seen in a hole in the stone floor.
6 Jul 2023

Why we love Weaver’s Cottage

Our inspirational team share some of the many reasons why they love working at this atmospheric cottage near Paisley.