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A portrait of a young Georgian woman, seated beneath a tree with a tall mountain on the backdrop. She wears a long white dress with a blue shawl, and holds a red ribbon in her hands. She is wearing several bracelets, one of which has a small portrait framed on it. She is looking to the side, with a slightly wistful expression on her face.
31 Mar 2021

Princess Marie of Baden (1817–88)

Join Regional Curator Sarah Beattie for the latest post looking at the lives of the Hamilton family and the impact they had on the building, collections and interiors at Brodick Castle.

A close-up of a silver dial on a clock face. It features two circles, one numbered for minutes and the other for hours. It is engraved with the maker's name: Willm Hardy.
26 Mar 2021

Time stands still

How do you preserve a masterpiece of time? Find out more about the evolution of the longcase clock, one of the most complex machines before the 19th century.

A gravel driveway leading to a grand Palladian mansion, Haddo House. Large stone urns with pink flowers in them stand either side of the driveway on immaculate green lawns.
24 Mar 2021

An eventful honeymoon: Lord and Lady Aberdeen of Haddo House

As part of our Facing Our Past project, we take a look at Lord and Lady Aberdeen and their links to Egypt.

A black and white photograph of a young Margaret Fay Shaw sitting in a field. She looks directly to the camera with a rather stern expression. On the ground beside her lies a string bag, a waterproof coat and a walking stick.
19 Mar 2021

Made of Pittsburgh steel – Margaret Fay Shaw’s Pennsylvanian roots

Explore the history of Margaret Fay Shaw, who was born in Pittsburgh in the USA but became a Hebridean folklore heroine.

A large stone cairn stands at the end of a gravel path in the middle of a field.
18 Mar 2021

Culloden 275

Find out about our plans to mark the 275th anniversary of the Battle of Culloden with a series of online events.

12 Mar 2021

‘Go fetch to me a pint o’ wine’

From Brodie Castle to Robert Burns Birthplace Museum, the Trust’s collections and properties contain evidence for the importing, storage and consumption of wine.

A room in a whisky distillery showing 6 large copper stills.
10 Mar 2021

Still moving: use and reuse in whisky production

As part of the Pioneering Spirit whisky project we have been conducting desk-based studies of whisky-related artefacts in Trust collections and archive information on The Glenlivet old distillery site.

A half portrait of a young Georgian man, wearing a green velvet jacket. He holds one hand to his heart, and is looking off to the side, in a somewhat romantic pose. He has dark curly hair that falls to his ears.
23 Feb 2021

William Alexander, 11th Duke of Hamilton (1811–63)

Regional Curator Sarah Beattie is back with another blog exploring the lives of some of the Hamilton family, and the impact they had on the building, collections and interiors at Brodick Castle.

A gravel path runs through a garden, bordered by colourful flower beds either side. Large and very tall yew trees stand either side of the end of the path.
18 Feb 2021

Facing Our Past at Malleny Garden

As part of our Facing Our Past project, we take a look at the Scotts of Malleny and their connections to the West Indies.