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A young girl crouches with a pile of brown leaves in her hands.

Spotter's guide for families: Trees

At the Trust we care for some magnificent trees.

A view of the woodlands in the Hermitage in Perthshire, looking from the forest floor up into the canopy. The pine trunks appear very tall and thin!

Spotter’s guide: Trees

The Trust cares for some of Scotland’s most magnificent trees, and it’s likely that you’ll find many of these species growing at our places.

2 Apr 2020

Philip Long OBE appointed Chief Executive

Philip Long OBE, Director of V&A Dundee, will take over from Simon Skinner as Chief Executive.

A painting of a drawing room with a large sash window, through which sunlight is pouring.Two gilt-framed mirrors hang either side of the window. On a console table before the window stands a model of a ship and two vases of daffodils. There is a rich, golden hue to the painting.
2 Apr 2020

Upcycling with the Lorimers

Whilst you’re spending lots of time at home at the moment, perhaps you could take some inspiration from the very creative Mary Lorimer at Kellie Castle. Take a look at our gallery for some home improvement ideas.

Interior of shop with lots of different products on shelves lining the walls, and a display of mugs in the foreground along with boxes of lego of the Hill House.
1 Apr 2020

It’s in the bag!

The Trust’s shop at the Hill House wins a UK cultural enterprise award, beating the Science Museum and the Globe Theatre.

A grid of colour photographs, showing the 32 creatures that took part in the Scottish Animal World Cup.
1 Apr 2020

Scottish Animal World Cup

We’re on a mission to find Scotland’s favourite animal! We’re asking you to vote for your favourite in our inaugural Scottish Animal World Cup.

Two shags, with tufty black feathers on their heads, sit very close together on a rock, with the blue sea in the background. Both look towards the camera.
1 Apr 2020

Creature feature: shag

Shags are possibly the strangest looking of our seabirds, but they’re truly fascinating to watch.

A close-up of a lamb, facing directly to the camera. It has a brown fleece with darker outer ears and white inner ears.
1 Apr 2020

Baby Big 5 ... and friends

We’ve put together a gallery of some Scottish baby animals as a bit of escapism this spring!

A close-up of the head of a clematis feather, showing long feathery pale pink petals and a darker pink and yellow centre.
31 Mar 2020

From times of adversity

Adversity for gardeners is not a new concept – an old saying reminds us that ‘every flower must grow through dirt’.