All Stories
Meet the Makers: Ochil Fudge
The Trust is proud to support talented makers and craftspeople from across Scotland. Discover the stories behind the makers of some of our products.
Why we love Castle Fraser, Garden & Estate
Members of our wonderful team at Castle Fraser share why this special place means so much to them, and why you should definitely visit!
The PLANTS project: Branklyn’s Meconopsis
One of the features of Branklyn Garden are its blue poppies (Meconopsis). The PLANTS team shares some of the collection highlights.
Ramsay & Edinburgh Fashion: A case for costume
In the fourth in a series of articles inspired by the Ramsay & Edinburgh Fashion exhibition, Regional Curator Vikki Duncan explores how we showcase costume spanning three centuries at House of Dun.
Plant Journeys blog post #8 – Chrysanthemum: at the eastern fence
Plant Journeys is a blog series, exploring East Asian plants in the garden of Broughton House.
Plant Journeys blog post #7 – Lily: a delicacy
Plant Journeys is a blog series, exploring East Asian plants in the garden of Broughton House.
Workforce for the Future project creates new trail at Brodick
A group of primary school children from Arran have created an inspiring indoor tour at Brodick Castle and a new interpretation trail in the surrounding country park.
Meet the Supplier: Nàdar Coffee
We’re delighted to take you behind the scenes of the development of our exclusive blend of coffee and celebrate the collaborative effort that brought it to life.
Hannah and Michael’s fairytale wedding at Fyvie Castle
Hannah and Michael’s regal fairytale wedding at Fyvie Castle featured stunning castle backdrops, excellent catering and created cherished shared moments.